.Unfortunate events.

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Taehyung stared, cigarette dangling off his lips, as the car revved up until it stopped right in front of the main gates of the university

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Taehyung stared, cigarette dangling off his lips, as the car revved up until it stopped right in front of the main gates of the university. 

He waited, as his door was opened by the chauffeur and stepped out, coat on his shoulder. 

'They are waiting inside, boss.' 

'And what about the main?'- he asked, checking the wristwatch before his hands moved in their pant pockets as the man beside him nodded. 

'Inside, sir.' 

He walked inside, through the gates, into the hallway. 

Every step enumerated the power, the strength. His gaze moved around the place, before settling on the elevator. 

The man beside him pressed the button, as he looked down at the ring on his finger. He rubbed the cold metal,

'I'm coming.'-he whispered, before stepping into the elevator. 



Taehyung walked out, dominance surrounding him, and that stoic gaze that could scare people shitless. 

He waved a hand towards the man beside him who nodded and hurried to the end of the corridor. 

The area was empty, but no one could stop him from coming, since he was the owner. 

Why was he here? 

Oh well, he found someone who he'd been searching for quite a while. Not to mention, he had a business to attend to, once he had that 'someone' with him. 

'There, boss.'- the man mumbled, and Taehyung's gaze went to the corridor to his right. 

It was dark, just a speck of light through the green blinds over the windows, kind of eerie, but nothing that could scare him. 

'Collect them, and transfer them to the basement. Stay here.'-he said, before getting rid of his coat and handing it to the man who bowed and turned around, motioning the others to do what he said. 

Taehyung didn't need any flashlight, for he was very well acquainted with the darkness, but the smell-the particular smell of cigarette got to him before he got to the person at the corner of the corridor. 

He could see the shoes and the shadow, and so he walked, taking a swig of the cancer stick in between his lips, before taking it between his fingers and blowing out through his mouth. 

He liked the burn it left in his throat. 

His steps slowed down, slightly, as he turned around the corner. 

The figure sat crouched on the ground, smoking as well. He couldn't see the face, but he didn't mind. 

He sat down on the ground, beside the 'someone', and with his back against the wall, and a cigarette dangling off his fingers, he murmured, 

'Hey, Gguk.' 

The person slouched slightly, before blowing out puffs of smoke, and motioning his hand towards Taehyung, Jeongguk made him hold his cigarette. 

The younger coughed slightly, before spreading his legs and trying to stand up. 

He groaned, holding his stomach, and Taehyung let his fingers work with the blinds behind him until he successfully pulled them off. 

The younger's slouched figure was bathed in sunlight.

'Damn-'- Taehyung mumbled, 

Jeongguk's face was red, not blush, but rather blood sprinkled over half of his face. He craned his neck backward, groaning as he removed his jacket, and stood up, successfully, right in front of Taehyung, against the wall. 

His torso and his white shirt were painted red, and there were bruises all over his arms. 

'Shit is fucked up, eh?'- Taehyung murmured to which Jeongguk laughed, and nodded. 

'Completely fucked, like us~' 

He moved his fist closed and the elder bumped his own, until he himself stood up, and threw the cigarettes on the ground, rubbing his shoe over the stubs. 

'You reek, babe.' 

'I know, same as you, darling.'-Jeongguk mumbled, before throwing away his jacket and wiping blood from the corner of his lips. 

He looked up, pushed his hair back, and Taehyung laughed. 

'Come on.' 

'Hold up, I feel sick. Ugh-' 

Taehyung stood, hands in his pockets until the younger stumbled over his feet and fell, on the ground, laughing slightly, 

'I'm tired.' 

Taehyung crouched, getting on his knee as his one arm moved under Jeongguk's head, the other under his waist, and he picked him up. 

'Oh my fallen angel, let this devil kill those humans who tried to hurt you.' -he muttered, breathing over Jeongguk's face, who looked at him with lidded eyes, and half smiled-half smirked.

'Mhmm, don't die yourself though.' 

'That's right, I won't, not now. They're in the basement, already.' 

'I'd like to see you kill, love.'-with that he pressed his lips against his lover, who returned the kiss with as much longing and with as much love as he could.


They met, unfortunately, all because of unfortunate events. Both their lives had been unfortunate, and yet as Taehyung walked with the limp boy in his arms, the sunlight shone over his ring and his gaze dropped to the younger's neck, where the similar ring as a locket lay. 

Childhood besties to fucked up individuals and yet they were together, as always. 

Situations can't make true lovers drift apart, they can be fucked up, and life can be shit, but they are going to be together. 

If Jeongguk's the fallen angel, Taehyung's the devil born from his angelic self's death. 

Against the world, against this society. 

Together, no matter how much Taehyung fights, or how much Jeongguk strives. 

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