Shido headed towards the neighbourhood where Origami lived with her parents. First, he had to find them.

"Well, that was easier than expected."

"You can say that again."

Shido spoke, disguised as a potted plant as he peered through the window of the Tobiichi household, observing a married couple going about their daily life. In retrospect, there was no reason for the search to be difficult. Rasiel was omniscient for a reason, after all.

"And now, we wait. By the way, why a potted plant?"

"Why not?" 

"You think everyone's going to see a plant outside the window and not be confused?"



"It's starting."

True to Kurumi's words, the red glow of a fire reached them, bringing a sweeping wave of heat along with it. Origami's parents noticed, standing up abruptly and rushing out of their house before the flames could get to them.

A building near the main street collapsed under its own weight, sending cinders scattering everywhere. Coincidentally, that was the road Origami took to get home and it was also around time for her to be leaving school. Her parent's faces paled.


Shouting out her name, they hastily made their way toward the fallen buildings.
Shido gritted his teeth. This was still hard to watch, even if he was about to save them.

"Calm down, Shido. I believe Origami has appeared by now."

As if waiting for her words, faint beams of light appeared above Shido's house, signifying the start of the fight. Of course, it wasn't visible to a human from this distance, but Shido was probably more Spirit than human now with the sheer amount of regular Reiryoku in him, not to mention the large amount of its pure variant.

After making his way to his hiding place near the main street, Shido went over his plan one more time. He had to push Origami's parents out of the way while barely escaping from Artelif. The difference from last time was that he got extremely lucky with Yud Bet's duration running out before he could get toasted. Now he had to do it manually, using the Angels to his advantage.

As for how he would do that....

The Origami in the sky released a large cry, causing the pillars around her head to start rotating rapidly, with a light gathering above her face.

Before Kurumi could warn him, Shido was already dashing forward.



He pushed the backs of Origami's parents right in front of the younger Origami, who was still processing everything that was happening.

In the next instant, Artelif fired with a screeching noise, engulfing Shido in a bright white light - almost.


The same bright white light that Artelif exuded engulfed Shido before the attack reached him, teleporting him out of the area with Metatron's short-distance teleport. Unfortunately, he had underestimated the sheer size of the attack and the shortened distance of his teleport due to the weakened Metatron, causing it to take out an arm, but it didn't matter.
 A second later, the world started to fade to black, signifying the end of Yud Bet's duration.

Shido weakly raised a fist - his only available fist in celebration, before closing his eyes.


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