Chapter 29

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We drove in silence for a while as I rested my head on the window trying to keep my groans of pain in. Liam occasionally kept looking over at me concern evident in his features.

I took notice of him constantly looking in the rearview mirror, each time his eyebrows scrunching up even more.

"What's wrong?" I finally asked him making him look at me for a moment before looking back at the mirror.

"That black car has been behind us for a while now." He said making me look back through the back window.

"Holy shit. That's the same car that was following me at the hospital, but it turned so I thought I was just being paranoid." I said sitting back properly. After hearing my words Liam immediately switched into mafia mode and began reaching under his seat. He threw me a gun before taking one for himself. He then took an abrupt turn without signalling at the next junction. The black car was quickly to follow obviously realising we had caught on.

"Shit." Liam said putting his hand out the window and firing blindly.

I opened my window all the way sticking my body out slightly shooting at the car, trying to aim for the tires.

Adrenaline coursed through me making me ignore the pain that erupted in me with every shot.

I kept shooting noticing two other cars emerging from behind the one I had been trying to hit. "Fuck there are two more!" I yelled at Liam who was driving like a mad man trying to lose them. Then he suddenly drove over a bump without slowing down making my stomach bang into the edge of the window.

I let out a cry of pain dropping my gun as I fell back into the car. My shoulders heaved with every breath as I gripped my stomach trying my hardest to get rid of the pain.

"Shit! Fuck I'm so sorry Sia. Shit!" He said taking another abrupt turn. I scrunched up my face trying my hardest to keep my tears away as I clutched onto my stomach.

"I-im okay, fuck," I said lifting my head up taking a deep breath. "Give me another gun." I said. Liam looked at me worry all over his face before handing me the gun in his hand.

I once again leaned out the window sending shot after shot. But then shots started firing back towards me. I ducked slightly into the car but kept shooting taking out the two front tires of one of the cars behind making it swerve I to a tree. The front car picked up speed and crashed into the back of Liam's car making us jolt forward. I let out another cry of pain. But didn't stop shooting.

I managed to take out the other car behind but the car Infront continuously kept ramming into us.

I tried my hardest to shoot it but I couldn't get a clear shot of the tires as it was directly behind us. Then the car swerved left going towards Liam window. The windows rolled down and before I knew it they had thrown something into the car. Then they swiftly drove away.

"Shit! Alessia it was a bomb!" Liam yelled swerving off the road. I quickly undid my seatbelt opening the door as Liam slowed allowing me to jump out. Agony was all I felt as I rolled on the rough ground. I looked back expecting to see Liam but all I saw was him struggling to free himself from the clutches of his seatbelt. His eyes met mine as I scrambled to get to him but then...

The deafening beep was the first things that came. Then the heat that rushed up my body scorching my neck.

I stared in horror as the car combusted into a pile of flames.

"LIAM!" I screamed limping to the other side of the wreckage hoping, praying to find him.

"Please be alive, please god let him be alive," I whispered over and over again as tears began rushing down my face.

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