Chapter 41

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Andrea paced around the conference room waiting for the arrival of Luca and her brothers. she was quick to call them and set up a meeting to discuss how they would proceed.

Andrea had hoped she would never see them again but then again when had she ever gotten what she wanted?

She looked at her watch with a sigh before the door opened up gently. She looked up as Luca stepped into the room. He gave Andrea a small smile and a nod. She gave him a nod but her face remained impassive. Andrea gestured towards the many chairs around the table telling him to take a seat.

Luca nodded before settling down in the closest one. The room was filled with tension as the silence overpowered both parties.

"How was-"

"Did you-"

They both started speaking at the same time. Luca let out an akward chuckle before gesturing to Andrea to go first.

"Did you have any trouble getting here?" Luca gave her another small smile before shaking his head.

"Erm Andrea why did you call us here?" He asked again after minutes filled with silence.

"I'll tell you when Mr Romano and his brothers get here." She said not wanting to explain the situation twice.

Luca nodded before they were over come with silence once again. Andrea looked at her watch again before letting out a sigh and taking a seat at the head of the table. She looked down at the stack of photos set down Infront of her as anxiety began to claw through her.

Once again Sofia was targeting Luca to hurt her. Sure she may not like her brothers but she wouldn't let them get hurt because of a feud that had nothing to do with them. She took a deep breath rubbing the pads of her fingers over the side of her forehead in a clockwise motion. She let out a sigh closing her eyes as she thought up of a million ways to fix the situation.

Luca watched her intently. He couldn't help but watch her. The way she moved was enchanting.

Luca never truly thought that power could change a person. But he had been proven wrong. His father was quick to change. He was quick to become power hungry, greedy almost inhumanely so. As soon as he could he had thrown Luca into situations he couldn't even comprehend to "train him" against his will.
The only thing keeping Luca going was the belief that he could one day avenge his lessy. But his lessy never needed avenging. Everything he had gone through was all for nothing. Every scar painted on his skin was for nothing. All, for nothing at all.

Luca tried to push his feeling down. He didn't know how Andrea felt about him now and he didn't want to pressure her into feeling like she still had to love him.

It was the exact same for Andrea. She didn't know if Luca's feelings had changed or not. But she though it would be better if she didn't say anything.

The door opening brought both of them out of their thoughts as they looked up at the Romano brothers who slowly entered the room. They stood for a moment before Andrea gestured towards the chairs. They each took a seat getting comfy before Alessandro opened his mouth before closing it again.

Andrea took a breath before she began talking. "This isn't a social call. I've called you all here because it seems we have a common adversary." She said throwing the pictures at them scattering them around the table. The men picked them up eyebrows furrowed as they looked through the pictures. Andrea crossed her legs one over the other before resting her elbows on the table and clasping her hands together.

She rested her head down onto her clasped hands. "It seems as though once again Sofia is using others to get to me. This time she's using all of you." Alessandro leaned back in his chair running his hand through his hair.

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