Chapter 61

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4 days had passed.

Leo was set to be discharged the next day. The brothers had prepared to go back to their home and the Black's were packing to head back to America. They had done what they had needed to.

And now it was time for things to back to the way they were. Well... not really.

Andrea had set her boundaries. She made sure her brothers knew she hadn't forgave them but she was no longer going to pretend they didn't exist. They were still her brothers.

Things would never go back to the way they were but at least they had their sister back. That was all that mattered to them.

Marco turned to Carlos with the biggest smile on his face. His waking up was a miracle. The doctors had started subtly mentioning pulling the plug. No body expected him to wake up. He was practically considered dead. But to everyone's surprise Carlo woke up. He was confused, disoriented and didn't remember anything for a week. But then it began to come back to him in little snippets.

He had nightmares, anxiety attacks and episodes where he drew into himself locking the world out. But Marco was there through every singe one of them.

He wouldn't let anyone in his room locking himself away from the world.

But Marco spent every second right outside his door. He told him how much he loved him at every chance he had. He made sure he didn't see him for any less than he was. He pulled him out of the hole he had began sinking into. He had needed him and he was right there.

Marco had made mistakes. Big mistakes but he was ready to do anything to make up for them. Carlos didn't know how to be mad at him. He just wanted Marco to hold him again. He missed him so much it was suffocating. And now he was back.

He didn't see the point in being mad. He turned to the man right by his side before grabbing onto his hand and giving it a tight squeeze. "I love you," he said making him smile before he planted a soft kiss on his lips.

"I love you more."

A knock on the door diverted both of their attentions as Luca slowly entered the room.

"Carlos, Marco," he said in greeting nodding his head. The boys nodded back as Carlos stared at Luca intently.

They hand spoken once since Carlos had woken up.

"I uhm. Look I'm not very good with my words. But I want to apologise. I was so wrapped up in keeping you safe I didn't let you love your life. That was wrong of me." He cleared his throat looking down as he threw a document into Carlos lap. "You'll be discharged in two days. As soon as you are your won the first flight to Spain. I have connections in the Spanish mafia that will provide you with safety at all times. You will no longer be Marco and Carlos. You'll change your names identities ages everything. You'll be completely new people... but you'll be together." He finished of as the two slowly went through the file with their new identities.

It had taken Luca a while to put it all together but he didn't want to keep the two apart any longer. It killed him being away from Andrea and he never wanted to be the reason anyone else felt that way.

"I hope you can forgive me." He uttered with a tilt of his head as he scratched at his palm.

Carlos looked down at the file before looking up at Luca. "I don't hate you. Im sorry I said I did. You are nothing like that vile excuse of a person Luca. I want you to know I appreciate everything you've ever done for me. You didn't deserve half the bullshit I gave you." He said with a small smile. "I hope you can forgive me."

Luca returned his smile with a twitch of his lips. "Consider yourself forgiven."


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