Chapter 42

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"Shit shit shit shit shit!" Andrea yelled out throwing the lamp closest to her at the wall making it shatter. Ollie, Tyler and the other men in the room recoiled with the slight fear that she may take her anger out on them.

"How many?" She asked the man who had just delivered the news that Sofia had launched an attack against her weapons bases. She had blown up half of her bullets and destroyed most of her guns. "How many warehouses did she get to?" The man trembled as he scrolled down on his iPad looking for the number.

Safe to say he was terrified. "6 Donna." He whispered out keeping his head low avoiding eye contact. Andrea let out another grunt before dismissing everyone except Ollie and Tyler much to the other men's relief. Andrea leaned on her hands which were splayed out on the table Infront of her as she looked at the iPad which had been placed Infront of her.

"I'm going to come up with some designs to maximise fatality with minimal supplies. As for you two go set up a meeting with alessandro and Luca." She said making both Ollie and Tyler nod without question before swiftly leaving the room. No one wanted to be within reachable distance when Andrea was truly mad. They had all heard the screams of her victims and none of them wanted to be the next.

Andrea let out another groan before taking a seat at the table and grabbing a pencil and paper. She needed to design weapons that would guarantee death with minimal effort. Like a bullet that would make sure the target was dead in one shot. They had bullets but not enough. Not after what Sofia had pulled.

Andrea tapped her pencil against the table trying to think of anything that would work. It wasn't as simple as thinking up a weapon but she had to think up the mechanical properties.

Andrea let out another groan hitting her head back on her headrest as she often did when she was frustrated. She ran her hand through her hair. She had to figure out something quickly. Because Sofia was waging a war and they needed to be ready.

(I have no clue if any of the following is actually possible but just go with it.)

"So?" She asked her weapons engineer as she entered the room filled with weapons. Days had passed and Andrea's weapons had been made. Well drafts had been made. Andrea wanted to test them before she handed them out just Incase. In theory they should work but she wasn't one hundred percent sure.

"Yeah I've got it all right here. The bullets are over here and the guns are over here," he said pointing at two different tables. Ollie walked in the room after her standing next to her with his hands behind his back.

"Show me the bullets," she said walking towards the first table.

"Right well these already exist but we've recreated them with our own little adjustments making them all the more lethal. You've got the Dum Dum Bullets, the Jacketed Hollow Point Bullets, the 13mm Gyrojet, the Flechette Rounds and the +P ammo." He said pointing at each one as he spoke. Andrea nodded running her fingers against the Dum Dum bullets.

"What are the adjustments?" she asked looking at the man intently. He pushed his glasses up on his nose as nerves shook him to his core before walking back over to the other bullets.

"Well these two now explode on impact," he said pointing at the jacket hollow point bullets and the +p ammo. Andrea nodded.

"Load up a regular gun for me." She said to Ollie before walking over to the other table.

"Is this the gun I designed," she said pointing at the one closest to her.

"Yes and these three are my own design." The engineer walked towards Andrea's gun prototype picking it up and showing her its features. "It's an COLT AR-15 but with your modifications." He flipped the gun around so he was holding the barrel. "If the bullets run out you simply press the bottom of the handle here," he said pressing it making a blade pop out. "And for maximum lethality you simply press this button." He pressed another one making a clear liquid squirt out and coat the blade. "It's hydrochloric acid." He explained further.

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