Chapter 30

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Third person pov

Her heels tapped against the tiles as her footsteps echoed through the hallway instilling fear in each of her captives. She wasn't in the mood to play today and simply wanted her answers.

She stalked past the rows of cells heading towards her latest victim. He was unlucky for he had pissed her off in a day everyone knew to be the day she was most vicious. The where anger filled her up to the brim and she needed a release. Any small thing could lead to her exploding.

She reached the cell and stepped in making the man tied to his seat immediately begin shaking. He had heard the rumors. He had heard the screams and cries of those before him. Safe to say he was terrified.

"Right I'm not in a good mood today so you're going to give me my answers and your going to give them to me now." She said, her Italian accent as prominent as ever, taking off her jacket hanging it on the door before rolling up her sleeves.

"Who the fuck do you work for?" She asked approaching her torture table with all her weapons. She picked up a small dagger slowly approaching the man with a sinister smile on her face.

"P-please I told you i-im only loyal to your mafia," the man whimpered.

She scoffed, a scowl taking over her face as her 6 foot frame towered over him.

"You and I both know that's not true. So please make both of our lives easier and tell the truth."  She said slowly dragging the knife over his arms but not hard enough to piece his skin.

"I-im loyal to you, please you have to believe me!" He cried getting more and more panicked by the moment.

She dug the knife deep into his arm dragging it down slowly twisting it occasionally making sure to cause as much damage as possible. The man screamed and thrashed around in his shackles desperate to free himself from the pain.

"Let's try that again sí? Who sent you." She seethed plunging the knife deeper into his arm.

"Please you have to believe me. I swear I'm only loyal to you." He cried further, blubbering like a new born as blood poured out of the massive hole in his arm.

"You're begining to piss me off," she said gritting her teeth as she swiftly cut of his right ear. The man let out a piercing pained scream as he thrashed tears running down his cheeks as painful cries tore out of his mouth.

Andrea ignored him as she walked back up to her table. She ran her fingers over a flame thrower but decided against it as it would be to quick of a death. So she grabbed some more daggers.

"Please no! Please!" The man begged as she approached sinisterly.

Half an hour had passed, she stood bloody from head to toe as her shoulders heaved with every breath. She stared down at the barely breathing man below her who was now barely recognisable.

"I'll ask you one last time. Who sent you," she gritted out as exhaustion began to lay on her like a weighted blanket.

"The Russians," the man whispered out breathing heavily as his head hung low. It was pitiful.

"You know more. Why are you here." She said taking a step back.

"I'm here to scout the area and see where you're weakest. She's planning a raid on the 23rd." He said.

She nodded urging him to continue.

"She has about 50 men." He finished off almost as if he had rehearsed the lines a million times before.

"Hmm." She said walking away from him tuning her back.

"When did you say?" She asked turning her head slightly towards him.

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