Chapter 53

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"I wish I could stand here and tell you that we're going to go in there, take them all down and win this war like all the wars we've won before but that would be a lie." Andrea said as she addressed the soldiers in front of her.

"This may as well be the hardest battle we will ever fight. Some of us aren't going to make it. For some of us this may be our last day on this earth. But let's not let that stop us.

"We're going to avenge Liam. We're going to make Amelia pay! We're going to take back the power that is rightfully ours! Because we are the fucking American mafia. Nobody, and I mean nobody can come for us and get away because we're the toughest. We're the strongest. We're the smartest. And most importantly we're the bravest.

"So let's go out there and show them what we're made of!" She yelled out throwing her gun up making the crowd in front of her light up with cheers and hoots. She looked out at the men and women she had vowed to protect but couldn't help the dull ache in her heart. She was leading them to a slaughter.

But this was the best chance they had. To take down Amelia and to save Carlos. If there was another way god knows she would've taken it. But this was all she had. For the first time in years Andrea had been bested by someone.

She had always extinguished all other rivals that began to flare up but now she herself was starting to burn out.

She shook her head trying to get rid of the thoughts that had plagued her mind for days. They had a good plan. They'd be fine. They'd make it out ok. They had to.

She was broken out of her thoughts when her phone buzzed in her pocket startling her slightly. She pulled it out unlocking it before a small smile formed on her face.

That was hot.

Her eyes scoured the crowd until she spotted Luca leaning against the archway right at the back with his hands crossed over his chest. He gave her a sly smirk as he pocketed his phone making Andrea look away with a small eye roll. He began to walk towards her as all the men began to distribute around making sure everything was prepared. She looked at the vans which were being loaded up with spare guns, weapons and medical equipment.

She had six surgeons and a few nurses on standby who were going to wait outside of the place any men who were injured would immediately be rushed out side and helped. Hopefully they could save as many lives as possible. She looked back in front of her where Luca was now stood with his head tilted.

"You doing okay?" He asked making Andrea give him a small smile before she nodded.

"How about you? You holding up?" She asked him making his smile fall slightly.

"Well as best as I can." He gave her a small smile. "It's gonna be ok," he said after a beat of silence but it seemed more like he was trying to convince himself. Andrea only smiled at him before he pulled her into a small hug.

"We'll get Carlos back." She said softly making Luca stiffen before he slowly pulled away.

"Yeah we will." Andrea opened her mouth to say something else but before she could Ollie startled both of them with a high pitched scream as he all but jumped behind her.

"Save me! Your brother is on a rampage!" he squealed ducking behind her.

Luca looked at Ollie with amusement plastered all over his face before turning to the door where a livid Alessandro stormed in.

"Ollie!" He all but growled as he stomped towards him.

Andrea crossed her arm stopping him from getting to Ollie. "What did he do? Why are you trying to hurt him?"

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