Chapter 26

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The Romano brother's paced around the hospital waiting room, praying, begging for any sort of good news.

Alessandro had not moved from his seat in over three hours since Alessia went into surgery. Her words couldn't stop replaying in his mind.

"You'll forgive me now sí?"

She didn't need their forgiveness they needed hers. But now they may never get it.

Why didn't he listen? She had begged him to. Why couldn't he just listen? He didn't listen now and he hadn't listened then. He hadn't listened when her tiny fists banged against the door until they were bloody and bruised. He hasn't listened to her screams and cries not to abandon her. She hadn't known what she had done it she begged for forgiveness. He hasn't listened. Why hadn't he listened. If he had just listened she could've been okay. She would've been alive. Why the fuck didn't he listen?

Leo was the complete opposite of Alessandro. He couldn't seem to stop moving. His mind was running at 100 miles an hour filled with thoughts he couldn't begin to comprehend.

He didn't understand what he was feeling. Leo wasn't emotionally mature. He never had anyone to help him with his emotions. He simply followed along with what the brothers he idolized where doing. But now every word he had said to Alessia was coming back to haunt him.


They swirled around him like a hurricane read to swallow him whole. But Leo didn't know what to do with his emotions. Did he cry? Scream? Shout? Fight? Laugh? Leo had no clue.

He hadn't even realised when his breathing sped up as the world began to get blurry. Tears filled his eyes as he struggled to push air into his lungs as they burned in desperation.

"E-Emilio,' he started stumbling against the wall. He couldn't breathe.

Emilio looked over at his brother only to jump into action as soon as he realised what was happening.

"Hey fratello I need you to breathe with me, can you do that?" He said kneeling down beside Leo who now had tears running down his face. Leo shook his head only getting more and more panicked as the seconds passed.

His brothers watched in worry but stayed back letting Emilio calm him down.

"Yes you can, can you please breathe with me?" Emilio said his voice softening as he began to take deep breaths.

"I-i can't Em I can't everything I said and she didn't- she never- I can't I can't," Leo sobbed.

It was at this moment the rest of the Romano boys realised just how much they had fucked raising Leo up.

He never had a stable figure in his life. They never taught him to deal with his emotions, or punished him when he did something wrong, they never praised him when he did good, or even playe
d with him. Leo was sort of left to his own devices. Of course he was clothed bathed and fed but he was never allowed to truly be a child.

"Yes you can, can you name five things you can see?" Emilio said trying to keep the waver out of his voice.

"Y-you, Sandro, the water dispenser, the door and the window."

"Very good now can you tell me 4 things you can touch?" Emilio coed.

"M-myself, the f-floor, you, my shoes." Leo said his breathing beginning to turn to normal.

"Three things you can hear?"

"You, the cars outside, footsteps,"

"Two things you can smell?"

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