Chapter 4

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I woke up to cluttering right outside my window. I looked at my clock and saw the time 3:38 am.

I sat up straight as I rubbed my eyes before stretching. I shouldn't have fallen asleep at the desk. Now my back was sore and I had a headache from all the crying I had been doing.

I groaned in annoyance and tried to ignore the sound but it only got louder.

With a loud audible groan I got up and walked towards my window.

I opened the curtain and found Luca standing there on the wide ledge.

"Are you gonna let me in or just keep staring at my abs?" He asked as his head was above the top of the window. I rolled my eyes before shutting the curtain. Almost immediately I heard Luca's complaints that it was cold.

With another eyeroll I opened the curtains and opened the window to let him in.

He jumped in with a thud. "Happy birthday," he smiled at me. I smiled back before he pulled me into a hug.

"Now c'mon," he said taking my hand dragging me towards the window.

I quickly stopped him, "woah there tiger, it's 3 am c'mon where," I said.

"Just trust me," he said trying to pull me again.

"That's alot to ask of me," I said making him scoff and throw me over his shoulder.

"Oh my god no Luca put me down we're gonna fall out the window." I almost screamed as he approached the window.

He completely ignored me.

"Wait wait Luca I'll come with you put me down oh my god," I cried out as he started climbing out the window. As soon as he was out he turned around practically dangling me off the ledge.

I held onto his belt tightly as fear gripped onto me almost as tight as I was gripping onto Luca.

He started climbing dow the pipe while holding onto me.

"Luca I swear to fucking god if you drop I will never talk to you ever again, oh my god Luca I swear to god," I said as he slipped slightly jolting me forwards.

Then Luca decided it would be hilarious to pretend to drop me.

I screamed out before wrapping my arms around his torso.

"I hate you I literally hate you so much!" I let out a sharp puff of breath trying to calm down my racing heart.

My whole body vibrated when Luca began to laugh. A real loud happy laugh.

It was something you heard so rarely that my anger dissipated in not even a second.

Luca jumped down the final little bit and we landed on the ground with a thump.

"I am never talking to you again," I whispered out with my eyes closed tightly.

"Oh come on it wasn't even that bad," he said putting me down. I just turned my head away from him crossing my arms.

"Okay I'm sorry," he said trying to turn me towards him. I stood firm and let out a huff to let him know I was still mad.

He chuckled slightly before trying again, "lessy I'm sorry," he grabbed my arms and uncrossed them. I still didn't look at him and tried my hardest not to smile.

I bit my lip trying to keep my face blank. "Lessy I'm sorry," he said shaking me slightly making me laugh silently.

"I'm sorry," he said shaking me harder making me audibly laugh.

"Okay whatever just get your grubby mitts off me," he gave me an offended look before putting a hand on his chest.

"You wound me," he said pouting slightly making me roll my eyes at him.

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