Chapter 57

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A bright light made her immediately close her eyes again. Letting out a small groan Andrea lifted her hand trying to block out the blinding light. " Fuck," she muttered as she blinked rapidly trying to get used to the white light.

"Welcome back to the land of consciousness." Luca's soft voice reached her ears making her look up at him.

He offered her a soft smile before perching himself at the edge of her bed. "I heard you performed a life changing surgery today," he said making Andrea let out a small laugh which was quickly cut off with a wince.

"I probably did more harm than good." She croaked as Luca handed her a cup of water.

"The doctor said it was some of the best stitch work he's seen in a while." Luca said making Andrea scoff.

"Yeah right."

"he really did, ask Alessandro." He said standing up as he stretched slightly.

"On that note, where is everyone?" Andrea said looking around.

"Well Abigail just kicked them all down to the cafeteria to get something to eat. Leo's in his own room just next to yours and I think Alessandro said he was going to get your things from the house." He said making Andrea nod.

"What about Carlos? Is he ok?" She asked. Andrea had brown white close to the boy in the time they'd spent together. Lucas face dropped slightly as he cleared his throat. Though the boy was ok he couldn't help but have a pile of guilt on his shoulders.

"He's ok." He said looking away from her.

"Luca you know it's not your fault right?" She said tilting her head. Luca was silent for a moment before he turned to her with a smile.

A smile that didn't reach his ears.

"Yeah I know." He said before he turned away from her again. "Anyways," he said as he cleared his throat. "I need to go tell the doctor you woke up." He said as he walked towards the door.

"Wait-" Andrea said as Luca turned to her with a hum. Andrea waited for a beat before shrugged it off. "Never mind." She said making Luca nod as his eyebrows furrowed.

With a small ok he left the room leaving Andrea by herself. She let out a small breath as she felt her heart sink. She knew Luca was beating himself up about it, she just didn't know how she could possibly convince him that it wasn't his fault.

The eerie quietude of the room suffocated her as she thought back to the last time she was in a hospital bed. Looking over at the window she let out a small groan as she rubbed her side gently. This was the second time she had been stabbed.

She let out a puff of air before looking at the faded scar on the other side of her waist. What was it with people and stabbing? Letting out a breath she leaned back in the bed as she thought back over the day.

Amelia was dead. A small smile took over her face before she let out a small laugh. She had won. They had won. Her smile grew as she looked up. She had avenged her father. She had avenged Liam. She had gotten her revenge. And god did it taste sweet.

The door opened revealing a doctor with Luca and Abigail right behind. 

"How are you feeling Andrea?" The doctor asked.

"I feel alright. When can I go home?" She asked making the man look away from her iv drip to her.

"You lost a lot of blood. We just want to keep you overnight to make sure you're alright. You can go home in the morning." He said as she nodded. Abigail stepped around the man before meeting Andrea with a bright smile on her face.

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