Chapter 6

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We circled one another as I analyzed every part of him trying to find his weakness.

He was sweating and had a slight limp on his left leg. There was a bruise starting to form on his abdomen. Bingo. He clearly was underestimating me by the way he was barely paying attention.

His breathing seemed uneven and laboured. This obviously wasn't his first fight of the night and that would be my saving grace.

He made the first move lunging for me,I dodged it grabbing his hand and using the momentum to push it behind his back.

He then surprised me by headbutting me confusing me for a moment. He used my momentary dazed state to his advantage and sent a punch towards my left cheek before he sent a rough kick into my ribs knocking me back into the ropes.

Adrenaline rushed through my veins pumping me to push off and win. I haven't had lost a fight in a while and I wasn't going to start now. I quickly recovered and landed a kick on the bruise on his abdomen. As soon as he hunched over I clasped my knuckles together and elbowed him in the back knocking him down to the ground.

He, just like me, quickly recovered and we kept going back an forth throwing jabs at one another. He had gotten a few more hits on me but I had certainly done way more damage.

I knew I could take him down but I tried to prolong the night as long as possible to keep the crowd entertained thus more people would gamble and bet on me.

When my ribs began to throb though I knew it was time to end the fight. I quickly floored him onto his stomach. I wrapped my elbow around his neck and kneeled down on his lower back.

I lifted his head up to an angle that would cut of his breathing with my elbow around his neck.

He struggled and thrashed around to escape my hold but couldn't.

After a minute or two of thrashing around he finally stopped moving.

I held on for a moment making sure he was actually out before letting him go.

Then adrenaline wore of and I was completely winded. When I tried to stand up a burning pain rushed through my entire body.

I clutched my ribs desperately trying to relieve just a little bit of the pain. My face throbbed as the audience's cheers faded into background noise.

I scrunched up my nose letting out a gasp when the pain only intensified.

I limped off the ring and made my way to the changing room where Luca was already waiting.

"Lift up your shirt," he said and I obliged taking it off so he could see my ribs. His eyebrows scrunched up. "Fuck lessy that's bad," he whispered.

We had been doing this for one another for months and the awkwardness had since long gone.

"Put your shirt back on I'll drive you to a hospital," he said looking around for his car keys. I did as he said, very slowly might I add, as the pain seemed to intensify by the second.

Luca gently lifted me up princess style. I wrapped my arms around myself trying to do anything that might help but touching it only seemed to hurt more.

Luca carried me out to his car and gently put me in the passenger seat. Liam came running out. I looked up at Luca who held up his phone. "I called him." I nodded before returning my gaze to a worried Liam.

"You alright champ?" Liam asked concern etched into his features. I nodded as I didn't have the energy to speak.

"Why would you even set that fight up have you seen the size of that guy?" Luca said aggravation clear as day in his tone as he threw his hands up.

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