Chapter 58

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Andrea gripped the wall as she slapped Ollie's hand away when he tried to grab her. "Touch me again and I'll cut your pinky off," she seethed making him back up as he lifted his hands in surrender.

"You shouldn't be walking around Andrea. Abigail told me not to let you out of bed. She'll kill me." He whisper shouted before looking over his shoulder. Andrea turned back to look at him with a glare so dark he felt his blood run cold. "Yeah I'll take my chances with Abigail," he muttered under his breath as she continued walking again.

"Where are you even going?"

"To see Leo." She replied as she let out a small grunt before gripping onto her side. She just wanted to make sure he was ok. Everyone had told her he was ok but she needed to see it with her own eyes.

"Why don't you just let me help you? You're clearly in pain." Ollie complained as he threw his hands up.

"What are you doing out of bed?" Tyler's voice rang out making the two turn around.

"Good Tyler you're here. Help me over to Leo's room." She said pointing at his door making Ollie's jaw drop.

"What? Why the hell do you ask for his help and not mine?" He whined like a baby making Tyler roll his eyes as he went over to Andrea.

"Cause you're you." She said with a grimace making him put his hand to his chest.

"Wow." He said dramatically. "I think I just felt a piece of my heart chip off," he let out a scoff. "So much for being best friends."

"I never said we were best friends you just assumed we were."

"Fucking hell Andrea. Are you trying to shatter my heart?"

"Yes. Is it working?"

Ollie let out another scoff as he stared at his proclaimed best friend in shock. "I'm walking away now." He said giving Andrea a sarcastic smile as he turned to walk away.

"Good. Don't come back!" She yelled out making him flip her off as he continued to walk away. Andrea let out a small laugh as she and Tyler made it to Leo's room.

"I'm dropping Stacey, carol and Abigail off to the safe house. Do you need anything before I go?" Tyler asked as Andrea propped herself up on the wall.

"No I'm good. Oh and give Stacey the room farthest from the kitchen. That'll teach her for hanging up on me." She said with a small scowl as Tyler let out a laugh.

"You are unbelievably petty." He said making Andrea turn to him.

"I'm not petty. I just-" she stopped to think for a moment. "No I'm petty." She concluded making Tyler shake his head at her before he bid her goodbye.

Andrea watched him leave before turning back to Leo's door. She let out a small breath before she wiped her hands on the side of her leggings. With a final breath she pushed the door open.

Leo turned to face the door to see Andrea who stared right back at him. He slowly looked back down to the food on his lap before looking back at Andrea. "You want some?"

"I thought I should lay off the food?" The retort came out faster than she could think making her immediately clamp her mouth shut. Leo froze for a second before letting out a small laugh.

"Suddenly I'm not hungry anymore." He muttered as he put the food aside.

"I'm so-"

"No. No I erm, I deserved that." He said before adjusting himself.

Andrea walked deeper into the room giving herself the chance to properly asses Leo. "You look like shit." She concluded making him let out a small surprised laugh.

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