Chapter 54

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Each step they took echoed around the rickety old building as they followed behind Andrea. She took the steps one at a time securing her footing before stepping down onto the next one.

The building was old. God knows how the structure was even holding up. Andrea reached the bottom before putting her hand up to stop the men behind her. "Wait." She ordered as she turned the corner making sure the pathway was clear. Once she was sure no one was there she began to move down the dark and narrow hallway.

She kept her gun drawn as her eyes darted around the room at every small sound. She was on high alert.

She wasn't going to take any chances. She wanted to make sure everyone made it out alive and she would do everything in her power to make sure that happened.

If everything went according to plan then they should be able to get Carlos and leave without ever being detected. If things were to go wrong she had put her trust in Abigail and the rest to carry out plan b perfectly. If she couldn't get to Amelia they'd be able to take her out anyways.

Once Amelia was gone they could all go back to their own lives. Or at least she hoped but something told her that wasn't going to happen.

Her brothers didn't seem as though they had any intent of letting her go. She knew they were genuinely sorry but in all honesty that meant nothing to her. She had heard so many apologies but not a single one of them made her feel better.

As for Luca. She wasn't even sure she wanted him to go back to his life. She had no clue if their kiss meant what it meant to her to him but she knew she still had strong feelings for him. He had always been her person. There was no denying that but was it all worth it?

They had always had horrible timing. Hell their first kiss was in a cell room, but this time the timing seemed to be worse than ever.

She knew that Luca and Carlos weren't exactly the best of friends. But something told her if anything happened to him it would impact Luca greatly. Maybe not grief but more guilt. Luca had sworn to protect him. Carlos was all the family he had left.

He was already blaming himself for his kidnapping if he was hurt she didn't know how Luca would take it. But Carlos had to be ok. Because he had Marco waiting for her on the other side. At that very moment he was pacing back and forth in their control room begging for Carlos to come back to him.

He had someone who loved her. They had lost years as Marco was still in protection.

Andrea was snapped out of her thoughts at a quiet grunt making her immediately stop. She signalled for those behind her to stop as well as she strained her ear to hear where the sound was coming from.

She slowly made her way towards the door on her right before pressing her ear against it. "There's someone in here." She said making Luca perk up as he approached the door. Copying Andrea's actions he pressed his right ear up against the cold metal.

He gave Andrea a nod letting her know he heard it too before the two took a step back. Luca put three fingers up as Andrea gave him a small nod communicating with their eyes as they had done many times before.

He counted down before he kicked the door open sending it flying off its hinges.

He immediately looked at Andrea who knew exactly what he was thinking. The door came off far too easily. They wanted them in the room. Looking back into the dark cell a small figure hunched up in the corner caught their attention.

"Carlos?" Luca asked hesitantly making the boys head snap up. Tears of relief immediately flooded his eyes before it was replaced with dread.

"No no no it's a trap. You have to leave a-" before he could finish her sentence gunshots rung out above them making Andrea's blood run cold. She prayed to god her soldiers weren't caught off guard but the feeling in her gut told her otherwise.

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