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Chapter Forty-Nine



 Zagreus wipes the blood off his face, gazing at Lorenzo standing with his gun counting the body. "Noble Doctor by Day and Mafia leader by night. That well-paying job!" Lorenzo smirks while Zagreus shook his head, ignoring his word, and kicked the body to check for signs of life but none. 

"Make sure no traces are left!" Zagreus informs his men as they surround him and grabbed the dead bodies dragging them out of the mansion while the cleaning staff quickly cleans things around and places them as it was. "Is it necessary that put things back as they were? I mean nobody care. We are wiping the rival gangs and another mafia all around the world. Lorenzo mumbles as Zagreus watched him. 

"FBI and cops care. It will save my life long, but Ares won't. He would have a life-threatening bounty over his head." Zagreus explained as he put his gun back in Vincent's hands. "Yeah, perks of living two lives. What would you tell Aurora?" Lorenzo asked while Zagreus ignores him walking outside towards his car. "She doesn't have to know!" Zagreus speaks as he opens his car door to get inside and Lorenzo nods his head. 

"You are lying to everyone." He speaks halting him. "It will keep everyone safe!" Zagreus gets inside without further word driving his car away. 

After hours of driving on the street, he gets back home but nothing felt like home without her. He sighs as his eyes fell on Aiden's baby crib in the living hall. 'I miss you, baby!' He whispers to himself as he takes the seat opening the file over the coffee table and making it and putting it in an envelope with a stamp. 

Aurora walks back to her cabin finding flowers with the note. She smiles as she lay Aiden in his cot and walks to the kitchen island and picks the flower and picks the note reading it.  

'Day 45 and Sure Home feels like hell without you two!' She smiles as Zagreus's notes made her day. Zagreus made sure he was part of their still not being there physically. Every now and then tried to send them a note making sure that she knew he was alive and cared about them. "daddy gotta note!" Aurora turns to Aiden who tried to stand up but fell. She sat there and picks the sticker notes and wrote them down. 

'He is making efforts to stand up but falls every time.' She wrote it down and put it down in the box with notes. "His men will sure come around to pick it up as cleaning staff." She whisper to herself as she turns to watch Aiden but Cot was empty. Her heart sank as she immediately gets up to look for Aiden but her soul shook finding Ares standing holding Aiden who was cheerful. 

"I wasn't sure Zagreus was dumb enough to leave you without security!" Ares smirks as her soul frightens by the men surrounding her. "What do you want?" Aurora asked him but more of herself as smith holds the gun out to Ares. 

"You know I was a child when the entire mafia ganged up to kill my father and mother 'cause we were getting powerful. They took everything away from me." Ares speaks as clouds darken around the beach turning it was night. The light flicked and turned as she watched smith standing near the light switch. 

"It's nothing related to me. Give me my son back!" Aurora demanded as she could feel the environment changing around her. She could feel alone in danger with Ares's unscrupulous soul who held Aiden with one hand and a gun with another. 

"Well, surely it does!" Ares handed Aiden to smith as he stepped forwards towards her and Aurora nervously stepped backward. She could feel her warm body turning cold as her soul shivered with his fiending sight. Her body shake with fear until her back collided with the kitchen island and she felt power leaving her body. 

"Zagreus Adair Kensington's family was one of them. I oath to kill every last of them. I had my own reasons to help him. I wanted him to kill his own family and then I will just finish home off but then he had you which he shouldn't. You did well by running away but at last, you came around. I Wasnt sure until my dearest friend confirm he has you beside him. Arcane had reason to show up that night. We wanted to cross-check Zagreus's personal life. Archer and Arcane confirmed your presence in his life." Ares explained as he walks taking a seat on the armchair and watching her. 

"Ares you don't have to do it," Aurora mumbled as she held the counter in fear watching him. "I didn't aurora. I kept you away from Zagreus for several months. He was actually kinda protecting you cause he know I would kill him but then it would have been fun. So, I informed him about your whereabouts and just wanted to see. You know I like to hunt first." He smirks watching her as tears roll down and Aiden started to cry to go back in her arms. Aurora immediately walks forth but his men block her way and smith took Aiden away.

"Aiden is just a baby. You can't annihilate him."  Aurora speaks in outrage as Ares stood up walking towards as she stepped backward quickly then she thought as her body shook and her eyes turned red and her nose pink with fear. "I don't kill women but I can't assure you about my men!" Ares states as he turns to walk away.

"You are one piece of shit. If you kill me and Aiden no one protect you from Zagreus. He will Kill you!" She roared at top of her lungs as his men took the knife out. 

"Actually, I did kill him!" Ares smiles as Aurora's soul sank with shock. Her heart sunk to zero as no light was found. She couldn't believe in her ear what she just heard. "I killed him when I came here," Ares speaks as he turned to walk out. Aurora fell on the floor in shock and the vase fell beside her. 

"Finish Her!" Ares ordered as he walked away. 

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