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Chapter Thirty-Eight




Aurora opens her eyes as she breathes, watching Zagreus sitting beside her over the bed. "What happened?" Aurora blinks as she sits up, resting her back against the bedhead. "I was leaving for the Hospital. Lorenzo is out for a while. He will be here in an hour!" Zagreus informed as Aurora watched him. "I will be fine. You didn't have to inform me." She speaks in a sleepy voice, watching Aiden sleeping on the bed beside her. 

"Actually, I do. You are not used to being left behind." He stated as Aurora chuckled watching him. "Actually, I do. So don't worry. We will be fine and I won't run!" she speaks, smiling. Zagreus chuckle and grabs something from the nightstand. "Actually, you can go visit the office today. Here your car!"

"I will go when Lorenzo comes." She stated and lays back keeping keys on the nightstand and closed her eyes. Zagreus watched her and smiled. " I got you driver considering you can't drive," he speaks getting up as Aurora awakes and sits up watching him standing in front of her. "Who, told you that?" she asked as Zagreus stood watching her. "Remember I ran from you that night with Lorenzo's car? She speaks as Zagreus nods his head. "Well good cause I don't want you to drive. The Driver or Lorenzo will take you anywhere you want," he stated as Aurora rolled her eyes. 

"I will take that under consideration!" She sleeps beside Aiden while Zagreus watch them and walks out of the room. he smiled as he closed the door and climbed down the stairs. 

"Someone is Smiling!" Lorenzo smirks as he leans the rails of the stairs. "Stay here until I am gone," Zagreus stated while Lorenzo smiled and nodded. "Well, I met someone today," Lorenzo stated as seriousness come up and Zagreus watched him. "Your father showed up with his so-called son stating he is going to crown him for the mafia. Clearly uninformed that your grandfather passed everything to you." Lorenzo stated as Zagreus breathed and nods his head. "He wants the locket that was passed on to you skipping him," Lorenzo says and Zagreus grabs his coat from vincent without any word. 

"He wasn't supposed to know I am alive?" Zagreus asked watching him and Lorenzo nods negatively. "They don't. Plus it has been Sixteen years. We have to move Aurora and Aiden far away from us." Zagreus nods his head speaking. "Safe House!" Zagreus walked away and Lorenzo nods shifting his sight to the stairs and finding Aurora walking down with sleepy eyes with Aiden in her arms. Lorenzo sighs and runs upstairs taking Aiden in his arms. 

"You are sleepy!" He asked and Aurora held the rails of the stairs stepping down. "Are you okay?" He asked as Aurora nodded her head. "Just a little low of sugar if that adds on!" Lorenzo chuckled as he walks down along with her to the kitchen. 

Aurora smiles brightly as her eyes fall on the full breakfast feast prepared on the kitchen island. "He makes sure you both eat well!" Lorenzo smiles as he walks inside and Aurora takes her seat. The Chef starts to serve them holding Aiden in his arms. Aiden leans watching Aurora doing her breakfast. 'Isn't Zagreus perfect in everything with the perfect family? He should have a dog!'

"I wonder if he has a dog?" Aurora speaks to herself as Lorenzo watched her. "Uh-hmm!" 

Aurora sat alarmed at the thought she spoke it aloud. "He doesn't have a dog!" Lorenzo answered and she nodded turning back to her breakfast. "You wanna go out?" Lorenzo asked while Aurora nodded her head negatively sipping her juice. "Just wanna work from home." She stated and Lorenzo nods his head. 

"Where are all the bodyguards today?" She asked eyeing around the place. "We are shifting!" Lorenzo announced growing ears from Aurora as she watched him. "Is everything okay?" She inquired watching him and cutting her omelet. "Yeah, We thought we need a change of place. Something that is good for baby and you." 

Aurora nods knowing she has no part in home decision-making. "Okay! When are we shifting?" She asked as Lorenzo complete his breakfast and grabs his coffee. "Maybe anytime soon. And It will be north of England. Anywhere!" He stated and Aurora nods her head finishing her Breakfast. 

After Breakfast Lorenzo takes Aiden away to the living hall while Aurora helped the chef in washing dishes and prepare lunch. She takes a breather when she was almost done with lunch and walks out into the living watching Lorenzo sprawled over the couch sleeping with Aiden who was also fast asleep. She smiles as she picks Aiden safely taking him upstairs. 

She puts him in his baby crib smiling and covering him properly. "You are growing up faster!" She smiles as she turns to pick another blanket for Lorenzo and steps downstairs. 

Aurora was greeted by a bit of awkward silence as she steps downstairs watching Lorezo standing in front of two men. "What are you doing here?" She didn't hear the bell door ringing. She steps down watching Lorenzo back and two men standing. One man was older than the '50s while the other was somewhere around Lorenzo's age but younger and something about two sets of creeps.  

"Looks like that brat found a woman for himself" the old man comments string at Arora as she stood at the last step of the stairs. Lorenzo shifts watching Aurora standing watching them. "Frank Kensington! Father of Zagreus and this Edevane my son. If that what are you, curious young lady!" Frank stated coldly while Lorenzo stood in front of Aurora breathing in and out. 

"She has no part in it and Zagreus isn't here. Hope you can look around his workplace." Lorenzo stated a bit bitterly keeping Aurora behind him. Edevane looks up making Aurora nervous about his presence as he smirks at her. 

"Quite a lovely choice isn't it Dad," Edevane speaks ready to step ahead but Lorenzo blocked his way. "Stay away from that!" Lorenzo's aura changed immediately as he took the charge. 

He is building a life for himself!" Frank stated watching Aurora. "Aurora, Can you please go back," Lorenzo asked as Aurora nods her head and stepped backward. Edevane chuckled as he raised his gun at Lorenzo looking at his father. 

"I want her!" He stated while Frank nods his head as Lorenzo pulls his gun out at Frank. He stood unaffected but Edevane breath was caught. "She is all yours!" Frank stated and Edevane stepped towards Aurora. 

Lorenzo was quick to shoot him in the leg making his message clear. Aurora gasp and turned watching Lorenzo holding his gun and Edevane over the floor holding his leg. "She is not a toy!" 

"Actually you ignored my sense to go after teaching my boys what is right!" Frank stated as he stepped. Lorenzo stood defensive pointing his gun at Frank. Aurora breathes in and out witnessing personal war at the mansion she was staying in now. 

Aurora breathes trying to intake everything until Aiden's cries strike the walls around making Lorenzo's eyes widen as well as Aurora's. 'He must be frightened with a gunshot!'

"Look like that boy started a family without any information," Franks speaks taking a step further until Lorenzo shot the vase beside him. "They are off-limit!" 

"He is family. I gotta see my grandson!" Aurora knew that was off-limit. Frank was hardly a family. Aurora watched them as Edevane stood up watching her and Lorenzo. 

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