Casket and Coffins

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Chapter Twenty 

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Chapter Twenty 

Kensington Estate 

Aurora sighed, closing the car door behind her as her eyes observed the people dressed in black dresses holding lilies in their hands. Brooke stepped forward as Madison watched him taking deep breaths. 

"We don't have to do this!" Madison speaks rubbing Aurora's back while she just shakes her head. "No, I have to. He was there for me in my tough times when I haven't known him despite the differences." 

Madison nods her head as she stepped inside the Estate along with Aurora and Madison. Aurora looked around the unfamiliar faces and walked toward the big backyard garden. Everyone gathered around while the priest was speaking to the man whose back was facing her. 

Adir Kensington 'Man of his Word!'

A Loving Grandfather and Leader.

Aurora read the already crafted tomb. "Have you seen the grandson? He is like beaux rêves!" Someone from the crowd whisper but it was audible to Aurora. Aurora just shook her head and paid attention to the funeral. Brooke stepped near the tomb crossing the security holding Aurora's hand. She was confused at first but then she realized she was allowed near Kensington Family. 

She stopped at the right-hand side of Brooke as he places the flower and casket over the coffin. She watched Adir Kensington until someone stepped beside her. She shifted her glance to watch finding it was the famous grandson whose face was hidden with a black mask. 

She took time to notice him as his hair was nicely done and he was dressed in a black tux with hands covered with black gloves. He was surely a beautiful Nightmare as his emerald eyes stat the corpse.  

"Aurora!" Brooke whispered to Aurora. He watched her and she sighs. 'I was staring for Long!'

The Priest said the final prayer as men walked ready to bury the Adir Kensington under the six feet ground. They stood for a while until he was buried and the cemetery was done. Aurora felt her legs were rooted to the ground with the man beside her. She couldn't pull her heart and walk away as everyone left the garden one after another. 

Madison walked away with Brooke leaving the two souls alone for a while. "You know no word can make you feel better until that pain is healed with time. This feeling will pass while leaving the beautiful memories behind." Aurora speaks softly herself didn't know why she communicated. All she could feel was the man acknowledging her word with nods until a few men walked toward him and he walked away. 

"World is a stronger place than me!" She whisper feeling fool of herself and left the garden. She left the mansion eventually with Brooke and Madison without having a conversation with anyone. 

Linneus Mansion, Aurora stepped inside the playroom dismissing the security guard and taking the seat beside the baby bed while Aiden slept soundly. "I wish I could you a father and one whole family!" She whispers while kissing her baby tiny fist and watching him. 

"Aurora!" Aurora hears Brooke calling. She glances at the brook finding him standing in his work attire. "We have to be at the company!" He speaks checking his clock. "After Feeding him!" She speaks firmly and he nods his head walking away. Aiden wakes up opening his baby emerald eyes. Aurora smiled picking him in her arms as familiarity run through her observation. Her soul shook with the thought as she found a similar pair of emerald orbs a few hours ago. This can't be true!' She whispered to herself as her soul frightens by the thought Aiden's father was in the mafia. 

She couldn't help the thoughts running through her head until Aiden wailed for milk. She just held him while breastfeeding him. Aiden was sleeping soundly while Aurora handed him to Madison leaving the Mansion along with the Brook. 

The entire Day Brooke showed her around the company getting familiar with the task and people around. While working she completely forgets about everything until it was time to return home. Brooke stood square facing her. Aurora's thoughts were wild as he could sense them. "I will see you tomorrow," He speaks getting her attention. 

Aurora just nods her head and gets inside her car while the driver started the engine taking off. Brooke just there watching the car disappear in dark and then he gets inside his car leaving for his mansion. 

"To Kensington Estate!" Aurora speaks while looking out of the car window. Driver's eyes widen as he watched her and shakes his head in fear driving through the dark night. after a few minutes of drive, the car stood in front of big iron gates as Aurora sat in the passenger seat watching five guards stepping near with their guns. 

Chills run through her veins as she is just sat there. The driver rolled down the car window speaking. "Linneus heir!" Driver speaks nervously as bulgy man shifts his eyes watching Aurora. Aurora shifts her eyes watching another way as he nods his head and the gates get open. The driver starts the car moving further into the estate as they pass through the liner fountain between the parallel path. The car stopped and Butler stepped opening the door for her like they were ready to welcome her. 

Zagreus sat over his chair staring at the paper sprawled in front him while Lorenzo walked inside. His Calm nature quickly grabbed Zagreus's attention. It was the opposite for him. Zagreus looked up at him with questionable eyes. "Aurora just walked in!" Lorenzo speaks as Zagreus shifts his eyes at the clock. 'Past Midnight!'

"I guess she knows!" Lorenzo speaks calmly walking away leaving Zagreus alone. Zagreus sighs closing the files and laptop arranging it nicely and taking his time.

Aurora sat nervously tapping her nails at her purse while Butler walked placing the coffee in front of her with his lower gaze. She sighs glancing at the Digi watch, 'It's been 20 minutes!' she wondered as she sat.

"I heard you wanted to see me!" She heard the same deep powerful husky voice. She stood in shock facing him as his rude authority tone got her. Zagreus stood watching her as her eyes observed him. 'You were too drunk to remember anything!' He wondered. 

Aurora observed the man standing in front of him in his glowing powerful Aura. He was already intimidating her. His skin was fair and glowing without any flaws with dark raven hair, A prominent Sharpe jaw around the strength of his long neck that showed in the lining cords and adam-apple at the position. She could see, he had the sexiest collarbone with powerful arms, a firm chest, and Six-packs of abs in the v-cut abdomen through the thin black t-shirt he wore. Lean muscular! His lips were pink and he had the boyish charm with manly aura. Her eyes met his eyes as frowned watching blue eyes. 

'Was I mistaken?' she wondered herself. 'NO!'

"Can you take off your lenses?" Aurora demanded crossing her hands against the chest as Zagreus stood watching.

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