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Hello, everyone. It's been a while since I added anything to this story.

But I came here to ask you all a question. You know, those of you that genuinely enjoyed reading about Christian St. James and his crazy-ass antics throughout this story.

And that question is simple.

So, I am in the process of writing a rewritten version of this story where Christian actually gets to graduate with Artie and the others and isn't forced to repeat his senior year and my question for you is this:

In the rewritten version of his story, what different or similar things would you want to see in the newer version of his story?

Would you still like to see him be violent as ever with whoever pisses him off, or see him mellowed out a bit?

Or are there other small changes you may or may not want in regard to the newer version of his story?

Or would you all just rather I left Christian alone and let his story end the way that it did?

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