seventy three | sweet dreams

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As he entered the choir room, Mr

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As he entered the choir room, Mr. Schuester told them, "Big news, guys. I just got a direct tweet from the Greater Midwest Regional High School Show Choir Board of Directors." While everyone but Christian broke into applause, he said to them, "The theme for this year's regionals is..."

Brittany said to herself, "Sweaters."

Then Mr. Schuester said to them after writing a single word on the whiteboard, "...dreams."

Brittany said to herself, "Close."

As he turned to look at the Glee Clubbers, he told them, "As you know, some of the past judges we've had haven't been that bright, or that sober, so our best bet is to take the dream theme literally. We'll start out with 'Dream Weaver' and then we'll segue into 'Sweet Dreams' and we'll bring it home with 'You Make My Dreams Come True'." While the others clapped, Mr. Schuester looked over at Marley and said to her, "Marley, you're frowning."

Marley replied, "No. I just don't know any of those songs."

Mr. Schuester said to her, "Well, you'll know them soon enough because we're learning them today."

Marley said to him, "Maybe... could we try some original songs, like you did two years ago?"

Christian could do nothing but roll his eyes with a sigh as Sam replied, "Yeah, my twin brother Sam told me you guys totally crushed regionals two years ago with those sweet tunes."

Mr. Schuester said to him, "Well, S... um, Evan, that was a different time and a different team."

Marley asked him, "Mr. Shue, could we at least talk about the set list? I mean, when Finn was here, we got to help..."

Mr. Schuester replied, "Do I have to remind you guys how lucky we are to even be at regionals? We're there on a technicality, which means there's absolutely no room for even the smallest of mistakes. Trust me. Anybody else have something they want to say?" Even after seeing Christian raise a hand, Mr. Schuester said, "Great. Brad, warm 'em up."

It was then that Christian said to him, "Oh, I know you did not just frickin' ignore the fact that I had my hand raised, Schuester."

With a sigh, Mr. Schuester asked him, "What's the problem now, Christian?"

Christian replied, "You mean aside from the fact that you're being a dick to Marley for no frickin' reason whatsoever?"

After sighing to himself, Mr. Schuester said, "Christian--"

With a wave of his hand, Christian said to him, "Oh, no, no, no, Schuester. You don't get to talk your way out of this mess, like you've done over a dozen times during the four years I've gone to this school. You know, I've put up with a bunch of crap from you over the years. I've had to put up with your anti-violence crap, the fact of how much of a dick you've been to other people and the fact that, no matter what happened, you always looked to me and Puck when something bad happened. But you know what? This might be the worst thing of all. Not only are you talking down to Marley but you're also dismissing everything she's saying as if what she says isn't the least bit important whatsoever." Just as Mr. Schuester was about to respond, Christian asked him, "Oh, what's the matter, Schuester? Are you getting mad that you're not able to get so much as a single word in?"

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