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With a raised eyebrow, Christian watched as Kurt practically tossed a pile of books on the top of the piano before he asked, "Where's Rachel?"

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With a raised eyebrow, Christian watched as Kurt practically tossed a pile of books on the top of the piano before he asked, "Where's Rachel?"

Finn told Kurt, "She's not here yet."

Kurt replied, "Perfect. Glee Club stands on a delicate precipice. We have all felt the cold humiliation of a slushy in the face. But as of right now, our relative anonymity as a club shields us from more severe persecution-- swirlies. Patriotic wedgies."

Mercedes asked him, "What's a patriotic wedgie?"

While Christian only sighed to himself, Finn told her, "It's when they hoist you up the flagpole by your undies."

Artie said to himself, "Strangely, it did make me feel more American."

Kurt told them, "Based on my investigation, I am of the opinion that a yearbook photo would only fuel the flames of anti-Glee-Club terror. I've done a little library research." After moving aside the book on top, Kurt opened the second one and turned to a specific page before he said, "Peter Gellar. Glee Club second tenor, 1998. He can be seen here with both a drawn on Hitler mustache and rice paddy hat. Shortly after the yearbook came out, Mr. Gellar had a nervous breakdown. He is now the homeless man who sleeps in front of the public library."

Quinn asked him, "Patches?"

Kurt nodded as he said to her, "Patches."

Brittany told them, "He barks at my mom."

Then Kurt said to them, "Exhibit B. Tawny Peterson. Glee Club class of 2000. Seen here in her photo with a cartoon knife stuck in her head in a macabre tableau that, in four years, would prove eerily prescient. I think I speak for all of us when I say that not having to pose for a yearbook photo might be a blessing in disguise. I suggest not fighting Figgins' ruling."

It was then that Mr. Schuester entered the choir room and said to them, "Oh, hey, guys. Ah. Looking at old Thunderclaps?"

Artie told him, "It's really unsettling."

Mr. Schuester said with a wag of his finger, "And totally unfair." Then he asked Kurt, "Hey, can I borrow one of these?"

After he took the yearbook out of Kurt's hand, he said, "You know what? This year's Thunderclap is going to have a Glee Club photo with every one of your smiling faces. You have my word on it."

As soon as Mr. Schuester was out of the room, Christian said while he chuckled to himself, "Well, so much for that."

Kurt only quickly looked over at Christian and narrowed his eyes at the amused fourteen-year-old.

* * *

With a sigh, Christian looked away from the block of wood he grabbed from inside one of the classrooms and looked up at Mr. Schuester as he entered the choir room and said to them, "Hey, guys! Great news! Glee Club gets a photo in the Thunderclap." While Christian said 'oh great' to himself with a blank look on his face, Mr. Schuester said, "Yep. It's going to show everyone at the school that Glee Club is on its way up. When we win Regionals, those Claps are going to be collector's items. I mean, all of your classmates are going to be begging for your autographs."

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