forty three | asian f

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Mr. Schuester said to Mercedes, "You're late."

Mercedes replied as she made her way over towards them, "I know. I-I overslept."

Quinn told her, "It's 4:30 in the afternoon."

Mercedes said to her, "My alarm clock went off thirty minutes late this morning. Kind of shifted my whole schedule." Then she asked, "Anyway, what's Santana doing here?"

Santana told her, "I've re-sworn my allegiance to the Glee Club without telling Coach Sue."

While Christian simply tilted his head and eyed Mercedes, Mike said to Mercedes, "Mercedes, I'll catch you up."

Only a couple of seconds into moving, Mercedes suddenly stopped dancing and went towards a garbage can, which got Mr. Schuester to ask her, "Mercedes, you okay?"

Mercedes told him, "My stomach hurts. I think I'm gonna be sick."

Santana asked Mr. Schuester, "Why are you babying her? I mean, she can't do three steps without puking 'cause she ate at Quizno's before she showed up in this joint."

While Christian only raised his eyebrows in response before she started to quietly talk to Cameron, Mercedes said to Mr. Schuester, "Mr. Shue, you have us scheduled to the second right now. With school, Glee Club and Booty Camp, when else am I supposed to eat?"

Santana replied, "When the rest of us do."

Mercedes retorted, "Oh, like you eat!"

With a sigh, Christian said, "Look, Mercedes, just because you're feeling crabby right now after whatever the hell you ate at Quizno's before you got here doesn't mean you have the right to take your frustration out on everyone else." Just as Mercedes was about to respond, Christian said to her, "And don't say anything about how hypocritical I'm being right now. I'm well aware that I'm a frickin' hypocrite that doesn't follow through on just about all the stuff I say to both myself and other people."

After he gave Christian a pointed look, Mr. Schuester said to Mercedes, "It's not about eating. It's about attitude. Sectionals are coming up, and if we don't give it our all..."

Mercedes said to him, "I am doing my best."

Mr. Schuester replied, "No, you're not. It's not about doing your best anymore. It's about doing better."

In response to Mr. Schuester's words, all Christian did was raise his eyebrows to himself, while Cameron simply looked between all the Glee Clubbers in the room with furrowed eyebrows and a slight frown on his face.

* * *

With a roll of his eyes, Christian eyed Mr. Schuester as he said to the Glee Clubbers, "Okay, so, before we dive into today's Booty Camp, I just want to say how impressed Mike and I have been with everyone's progress. Uh..." Then he looked at Brittany and asked her, "Brittany, why are you here?"

Brittany told him, "'Cause I intend on, you know, dancing my way into the voters' hearts."

After Mr. Schuester hesitantly said 'okay', he said to the Glee Clubbers, "Alright... everyone up! Now, your homework assignment was 'The Widow Maker', perhaps the hardest show choir dance move ever. Now, when you get it right, one of us is gonna tap you out, then you can have a seat. Uh, five, six, seven, eight!"

Slowly, one by one, each of the Glee Clubbers, excluding Finn, Cameron and Mercedes, were tapped out by Mr. Schuester and Mike Chang.

While Christian watched Cameron and silently hoped that the fifteen-year-old boy made it and would be tapped out soon, Mr. Schuester said to Finn, "Come on, Finn, you can do it!"

Noah replied, "No, he can't."

While he continued to watch Cameron, Christian said, "Don't be such a dick, Puck."

Noah only rolled his eyes in response, while Finn said to Noah, "Oh, yeah?"

Noah said to him, "Yeah."

Then Mike said to Mercedes, "Come on, Mercedes."

It was then that both Finn and Cameron were tapped out, which only left behind Mercedes, who was bent over with a hand on her leg.

Mike said to Mercedes, "Down, open... Come on, Mercedes, down... open... up..."

Mercedes told them, "My ankle hurts."

Mr. Schuester said to her, "Push through it."

Mercedes replied, "I-I don't feel good."

Mr. Schuester said to her, "You're fine."

Mercedes yelled at him, "No, I'm not!"

Mr. Schuester said to her, "Look, Mercedes, I want you to be the best you can be, okay? Did you even practice this?"

Mercedes yelled at him, "Stop picking on me! You're always singling me out, making me look bad!"

Mr. Schuester replied, "That's crazy."

Mercedes retorted, "No, you're crazy for not letting me shine! Where's Rachel, huh? I don't see her here, being a part of the 'team'."

Finn told her, "Rachel practices every night."

Mercedes said to him, "No one asked you, Finn." While Christian simply sighed in response, Mercedes said to Mr. Schuester, "Everyone knows that Rachel is your favorite."

Mr. Schuester replied, "That's not true."

Christian scratched the back of his neck and said 'it kind of is, though', while Mercedes told Mr. Schuester, "No, it's true-- you give that skinny, Garanimal-wearing ass-kisser everything! And, you know, for two years, you know, I took it. But not anymore! I'm done!" After she knocked over a music stand, Mercedes turned to look back at them as she said, "You know, I've outgrown you. I've outgrown all of you."

While Christian only raised his eyebrows in response, Mr. Schuester yelled, "Mercedes! You walk out that door, you're out of Glee Club."

With furrowed eyebrows, Christian looked over at Mr. Schuester and asked him, "Honestly, Schuester, what the hell is it with you and constantly kicking people out of the club?"

Instead of responding, Mr. Schuester did nothing but shake his head in response while they all watched Mercedes walk out of the auditorium.

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