Chapter 142 slight panic

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Charlie's perspective
Nick went into the kitchen to go cook breakfast and I could only imagine what was going to happen tonight, everything is totally out of my control and it's triggering my anxiety, my hands are shaking uncontrollably now and nothing is stopping them from doing so. Fuck not now I muttered my breath at an extremely increased pace like my heart. I didn't even notice my heart rate ramp up but I noticed it now as the loud thumping echoed in my head, bu bump, bu bump, bu bump, I felt a tear slip out and I didn't want to continue this I wanted this to stop, I started taking deep breaths to calm myself down it was working a bit then my phone rang, harry's number was plastered on the screen and the buzzing phone was going off in my hand, I answered it.

"Hi" I said my voice cracking
"Charlie oh god are you ok, I can come pick you up do you need a ride" Harry's comforting voice sang threw the phone
I took a deep breath trying to calm down enough to be able to speak and him to understand me
"No im at home thank you though" I said my voice still laced with worry
"Why did you call" I asked
he proceeded to answer "I was worried about tonight I just can't imagine the reactions people will have and I thought maybe you felt the same?"
he definitely was right I was in our room just praying Nick won't walk in fighting back tears barley able to speak my hands were trembling and could barely hold the phone to my ear, I couldn't hear that well because of the thumping echoing through my whole body "Well your right i'm kinda having a small panic attack" I said taking a deep breath
"Your WHAT are you ok should I call Nick is he home what can I do"
The panic in his voice was oddly comforting he really was in my corner he was a good friend
I quickly responded shutting down his worries "No no don't call Nick I don't want him to find out he really wants to go I can't ruin this for him" I sniffle holding back tears
Harry says "Charlie you shouldn't go if your this worried Nick will be ok"
I frowned he was right why does he have to be so right I shouldn't go
"Your right... but Im still going he needs this he's been so excited and with everything that's going on over here he needs this, my little brother is living with us now and I just feel so bad" I huffed after I said that all in one staggered breath
"Charlie calm down it's ok, since I can't convince you to not come then i'll stay with you just to make sure your ok"
I smiled as if he could see me on the other side of the line, as if he could understand how much that really means to me, as if he knew how much I needed to hear that.
"Thanks harry"

We hung up and I heard Nick peer into the bedroom I looked up from my phone to see him and he rushed over "Hey hey are you alright were you crying" I turned away from him "No I wasn't" He hugged me from behind ignoring the fact that I was trying to walk away from him "Are you sure it looked like you were" he said his voice whistling in my ears "Nick I wasn't, now can we go eat something" I knew that would throw him off my scent he can never deny me food when I ask for it "Yes of course we can my love" he kissed my cheek wrapping his head around my face from behind to reach. He tickled both my sides instantaneous forcing me to let out a few laughs "Nickkkk stopp it" I begged and he did after about a minute but then he threw me over his shoulder carrying me to the kitchen.

Nicks perspective
I could've sworn I heard Charlie crying I could've sworn but now i'm second guessing if I really did he seemed perfectly normal his eyes just looked a little red and he seemed agitated when I questioned it but I could be wrong. He's asking to eat and how could I say no or brush his request off to discuss this further. He's happy and that's what matters, I gave him a few extra cuddled to be sure just incase he was crying then said "I love you Char"  I leaned in for a kiss, kissing him from across the table when we pulled away he said "I love you too sweetheart" and my heart melted I love this boy more than anything and i'm so excited to show him off to everyone, I want everyone to know he's my boyfriend, how he's amazing and kind ,beautiful, caring has the greatest heart, definitely has the best kisses and hugs. He's just so perfect and I want everyone else to see who they missed out on being friends with, they all could've been friends with the sweetest human alive and instead they treated him like shit all based on the fact he had a different sexuality than them, he never did anything to them he never even fought back he was the perfect target but also was the nicest purest person they will ever have the pleasure of meeting, it's a shame they took that for granted.

Authors Note
I think this chapter is very powerful in many ways tons of emotion :((( But on a cute note how adorable is harry's and Charlie's platonic relationship OOOO I LOVE IT. Anyways good night my loves thanks for supporting me and reading it means so much I'm here for you and love you gn xx

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