Chapter Thirteen Hospital

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Two hours of waiting later....
I was playing on my phone well waiting for a doctor to come assess Charlie. Panda pop was my favourite iPhone game because of the cute little pandas. "Hi is that Charlie Spring?" The doctor says as he points to Charlie laying on the stretcher. "Yes he's Charlie Spring" I quickly replied. I was so antsy just to know if there was something seriously wrong with him. He looked over Charlie, did a few blood tests and other things to him. He was typing away of his computer after checking out Charlie. "Hi sorry to bother you but do you know what's wrong with him?" He looks at me and gives me a stern look. "Son your friend will be fine but I can't classify info to friends do you have his girlfriends number or any of his family members numbers" I kinda chuckled a little under my breath "Um Sir i'm his boyfriend of six years" I said. He was old and seemed very old school, but I didn't expect him to say what he said "Oh god, maybe instead of taking him to the hospital you should have admitted him to conversion therapy along with yourself."

I have dealt with rude comments and judgmental looks a lot but this was disgusting. I didn't trust him handling Charlie when Charlie was in no state to defend himself. The next nurse I saw walk by I called over. "Miss, Excuse me, I know your probably busy but can I speak to for a minute" "Oh darling of course!" She was a sweet lady and had the most beautiful braids, filled with all kinds of fun colours. "This doctor right here is being extremely homophonic and demonizing to my almost unconscious Boyfriend, Being his only advocate here I want him to have another doctor please, Im concerned for his safety." She looked shocked and then angry "You are one smart young man, and on my behalf of the hospital i'm so sorry, I will let his doctor know that he can't continue his inspection and will get him a new doctor immediately!" "Thank you so much" I say, I could see Charlie from a distance the whole time I was talking to the nurse just to make sure he didn't do anything to him. I walked back into the room to sit and watch until the nice nurse I just talked to, came in and said "Dr Kev you have been kicked off this inspection and Dr Trace will be taking over."

The Doctor looked mad but left in a hurry. Just him touching my Charlie made me sick but i'm happy Charlie wasn't conscious enough to hear that horrible comment. Things like that stuck with Charlie a lot more than they did with me. "Hi you must be Charlie Springs boyfriend, correct?" Dr trace had said, "yup" I replied. She then goes on "We'll I need to admit him since he's clearly not fully conscious, I don't know how long yet we need to wait for some of the test results to come back still... I will set him up and you can just wait in this room tell he's set up" I thought he would have to be admitted but hearing the news still hurt. "Ok I'll wait here" I say. She then takes Charlie into the elevator, all I could do now was wait. 30 minutes later... "Hi he's ready and should be waking up soon if you want to come see him" Dr Trace said. "yes please take me to him!" she leads me up the elevator to floor 4 sector 10. The patients were divided by curtains and all of them looked sickly.

She said "he's in slot 6 at the very end" before rushing off to go save someone else. I walked down and when I saw him I felt so guilty. He was lying there with a feeding tube hooked up to him. When he had to go to a mental hospital he said they threatened him with that if he didn't eat all his meals and snacks, it was his worst nightmare, when he wakes up he's going to be freaking out. They also had an IV hooked up to his arm, Charlie was also petrified of needles. I sat there in the chair beside him for another 45 minutes just talking to him, just in case he could hear me, I wanted him to wake up to the sound of my voice. my head popped up when I heard "Nick I want to go home" Charlie was awake and looked so much better his eyes were wide open and his voice sounded natural. "Charlie you can't just yet but probably soon you look a lot better" I say well kissing him on the forehead.

Charlie's hand goes up to his nose and he starts tugging on the feeding tube. I grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers, he tried to get his hand free from mine but I didn't let him "Nick stop let go of me" "Charlie you need to not touch that ok? Don't freak out but you have feeding tube so you can regain your strength again" he starts to panic and frantically look around like I was hurting him or something. I knew in that moment he wasn't fully himself he was still in a state shock. "Let go of me" he says well trying to tug his hands away from my grip. "Charlie please stop" I say calmly. I didn't really know what to do except I knew that if I let go he would try and rip out the feeding tube and that could be dangerous, so I didn't let go. "Let me go, Let me go, Let me go" he says well sobbing. I had never felt like more of an
a$$hole in my life, I felt heartbroken. I have never seen Charlie like this before he was acting crazy, but I knew if I called a nurse he would be strapped down and I couldn't do that to him, it would break him. The only thing I could think of was to call Tori she could always calm him down, I hold both his hands with One of mine and ring Tori.

Authors note
Thank you everyone for reading todays chapter. I have experienced a lot of homophobic experiences in my short time of living and I know many of you probably have experienced it too just keep you head up and know I love you all ❤️

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