Chapter 108 They are Too Cute

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A week later...

Nick perspective
I feel so much better now that i'm back at work and Imogen hasn't said a single word to me and actually to my delight she avoids me at all cost. I can't thank Charlie enough for doing that for me I still feel awful for yelling at him, I never yell at him, I actually avoid yelling altogether it just makes me on edge, I can't help but remember my mom and dads fights whenever I hear yelling, it used to bother me a lot when I was younger and my parents were newly divorced, I often cried at school when other kids would raise there voices, I didn't have the most friends growing up well not until I started playing rugby then I met a lot of people and they liked me because I was rather good and scored a lot, but they were never my real friends I mean a few of them apologized for being mean to Charlie but I never fully forgave them, harry was never really my friend he was just a jerk, actually thinking of him, he wanted to meet up and talk about something, he seemed quite serious about it too, he was really kind and helpful when Charlie fainted, I guess I kinda owe him. I didn't have work today so I could meet up with him, as long as Charlie is ok with that, he was awful to Charlie and that will never be forgiven.

"Char" I called to see where he was, "Yeah" he called from the bathroom, I followed the sound of his voice and walked in to see him brushing his teeth, he was wearing a striped shit and I can't help but remember the first time I kissed him up in his bedroom, it wasn't our first kiss because the first time he kissed me, but the moment I came to his house, I couldn't stop staring at him he was so hot and all I wanted to do was pressed my lips against his. "Your starring" he said looking at me, I smiled and kissed his cheeks and forehead "ok so maybe I have a small crush on you" he laughed "a small crush?" he questioned sounding very sceptical, I intertwined our fingers "Ok fine I have the biggest crush on you, actually i'm in love with you" He blushed and his gentle smile appeared "I love you too babe" I hugged him and rested my head on his shoulder, nothing is better than hugging Charlie, it's my favourite feeling. "You remember when harry asked me to talk with him" Charlie nodded "Yeah" I was kinda nervous to ask if he wouldn't mind if I went to talk with him I hesitantly asked "Do you mind if I go meet up with him, say the word and I won't go" Charlie laughed and creased his thumb across my cheek "I don't mind at all don't worry im over all the shit that happened in high school"

Im not sure if I believed him I know he still gets nightmares about ben, I looked at Charlie, his face suddenly changed like he remembered something. He took both my hands in his and faced me "Nick i'm not saying I don't trust you but..." he paused "last time you went out with harry you started sneaking around and vaping, and I just don't want you to do that, it's really bad for you and you really scared me" I placed my hand on the side of his cheek and pressed a kiss on his nose, "come here" I said well opening my arms for him "I promise i'll never do that again" I said into his shoulder. He broke away from the hug and looked at me "You better promise because if you do that again i'll have no choice but to tell tori and you know how she feels about people who vape or smoke"

I would never be able to show my face again if he told her, she has a strong passion for hating anyone and everyone who vapes or smokes she goes on rants about it, which feel like they last for ages, I definitely don't want to ever be lectured by Tori she definitely is a scary individual and i'm quite content being on her good side. I put my hands up in the air like I was surrendering "geez don't you think that's a bit far, you know how scared I am of her" I laughed and he laughed, but I was being serious she did really scare me, it was worse when I was younger I would be so scared to knock on the door that I would have to take deep breaths before knocking incase it was her that answered the door, My hands still sweat when i'm around her, I love her to death but she is one intimidating person, it's a lot better now Micheal softened her up a bit, if she heard me say that I think she would kill me. Charlie started tickling me out of nowhere, "You wanna play that game" I said as I picked him up and carried him over to our bed he tried to break free but I was much heavier and stronger than him so I had the easy advantage he yelled "Nick it's not far put me down" "Ok" I said as dropped him on our bed and started tickling him more and more, "Nicckkkk" he said well giggling "You started it" I replied back he barley could make out words with the amount of laughing he was doing well trying to push me off, he was so cute and I could listen to his laugh all day "Please stop" I leaned closer to his face "Only if you admit I'm the best Mario cart player" he frowned "Never" I started tickling him even more now "Fine fine" "Your the best Mario cart player" I stopped tickling him and he was out of breath which made me feel like I went a little hard on him, I mean he asked for it, this happened every time he starts a tickle fight. He started gasping for air I instantly sat him on my lap, it's like he was chocking, OMG I did this I hurt Charlie I felt sick to my stomach what happened how did this happen. "Charlie Charlie are you ok" I asked repeatedly, I started to freak out, I didn't know what to do a tear rolled down my face and he just looked at me and started laughing well using his shirt to wipe the tear off my face. "Got you" he said well laughing more now, I was shocked "That's not funny" I said trying to sound annoyed but I couldn't help but sound relieved. "It was pretty funny" I shook my head and pushed him off me, he flopped on his back onto the bed "I hate you, you know that" I said in a joking way, he scoffed "You love me" I couldn't deny that "Fine I do love you, but I texted harry earlier and he just texted me back I need to go" "K drive safe cry baby" Charlie taunted, I went beat red "Shut up" I left the house smiling, I love Charlie Spring...

Authors Note
This chapter was ALL over the place i'm so sorry, I kinda just went totally fluffy and it turned out very fluffy but still all over the place, I still liked writing it and think it's cute, tell me what you think? NIGHT LOVE YOU ALL VOTING AND COMMENTING REALLY HELPS THIS STORY SO IF YOU ENJOY IT MAYBE CONSIDER SUPPORTING IT BY VOTING AND LEAVING FEEDBACK xxx ❤️❤️❤️

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