Chapter 139 Brotherly love <3

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Oliver's perspective
"Yes Charlie what is it" I asked looking at my older brother's expression increasing getting more dreadful looking, Uncle Nick was looking at him worriedly, I can't handle anymore change, as a fuzzy feeling overtakes my stomach I think i'm starting to feel sick. "Can you come sit in the living room with us" Nicks scratchy voice lets out. I nod not daring to say a word, worried if I did the puke I was holding down would come up. I swallowed it down and sat down on the couch across from them. Not being able to handle the suspense any longer I blurt out "am I in trouble" I look down at the floor ashamed that I've failed them when they did everything to help me. "Im so sorry I didn't mean to fail you guys" I mumble, Charlie is bent down on the floor in front of me he puts his hand on my shoulder, I look up at it then direct my attention to them, Charlie smiles and goes on "Oliver your not in trouble and even if you were that's doesn't mean you get to jump to the conclusion that you've failed us, you can never fail me and Nick, we'll always love you" I felt a smile creeping it's way onto my face my stomach stoped turning, I took a deep breath allowing Nick to tell me what this was about. Nick pulled Charlie to his side snaking his arm around his waist, Charlie was obviously having a hard time with whatever he was going to tell me which made my nerves spike again.

Nick allows himself to speak after obviously going back and forth in his head with what he wants to say or how hes going to say it. "Tori has informed us that your mom will only allow you to live with Tori and Michael" cutting him off I look at Charlie who's looking at me with a guilty look, I feel my eyes water and my lip quiver, I open my mouth to begin but can't I try again and this time the words come out "you guys don't want me so you're pawning me off onto Tori just like mom did, TORI DOESNT WANT ME... I THOUGHT YOU GUYS DID BUT I GUESS NOBODY DOES" I got up brushing Charlies arm off of me, I go to my room shutting the door, sitting in front of it expecting them to try and barge in. They didn't though I knew they were there I could hear Charlies small hesitations and Nicks heavy breath, why weren't they demanding I open the door. I hear the softest knock on the door above me, "Charlie?" I say composing myself to have a conversation "Yeah Ollie it's me and Nick, we want to talk to you but if you're not ready or need space we can talk later or tomorrow, one thing we do need to make clear is that we do want you, we want you to stay it's just complicated" I don't understand how he can say it's complicated everything is so confusing and I'm getting frustrated. "What is so complicated I don't understand nobody ever tells me what's really going on" Its silent for a good thirty seconds then Charlies comforting voice penetrates through the door finally explaining "Oliver you deserve the truth so I'm going to try and explain it, Tori talked to Mom, its true what I said earlier that mom said you can only live with Tori and Michael, but there's a reason for that, Mom thinks I'm unstable and not a good role model for you" his voice started to crack when he said that and now I could hear him crying through the door, I could also hear Nick whisper "I'm here baby I'm right here" still crying he says "And maybe there right" I stood up standing away from the door, I took a step closer to my bed wanting to burry myself in pillows and never come out, but I turned around and decided to open the door instead, Charlie was curled up in Nicks arms, then Nick smiled at me for opening the door, as a thank you Charlier needs this. "But that's not fair" I say shredding the silence consuming us, Charlie detaches himself from Nick looking at me "what's not fair love "he asked and I'm still shocked at how calmly hes talking to me, it's weird being treated like an equal, I take a deep breath expelling my frustration for this situation not him "it's not fair that I don't get to make the decision on who I think is best for me, it's not fair that mom still gets to make choices for me when shes caused all this, it's not fair that our family is always shitting on you Charlie, it's all not fair and I'm just sick of it" Charlie takes my hand "if you want to live with us well figure out a way to make it happen I just thought maybe you would've rather lived with Tori and if you change your mind that's ok this is about you not me! or Nick nobody else, just you" I've never felt more heard more valued like I do right now, I wasn't yelled at for voicing my opinion and there even asking me what I WANT, it's never what I want, I'm honestly feeling emotional thinking about how they treat me, and I know thats what I want, I love Tori, but I just feel understood here, I feel at home. "I want more than anything to stay with you guys, I really want to stay here, Charlie I know you have mental health issues but that doesn't mean you're not the best big brother in the world and I don't think your unstable at all your perfect just the way you are" he pulled me into a hug and nick joined making it a massive group hug, I love them so much.

Charlies perspective
I never would have thought ollie really wanted to stay here, I thought he would have definitely wanted to go with Tori, I promised him I would find a way to make this work, I just need to figure out how to do that, I won't let him down. Nick looked at me shyly I grabbed his hand holding it in mine and I noticed how clammy it was "I Know how we can make this work" I gave him a confused look hoping he would elaborate, and he did "when my parents got devoiced" he said with a gulp, whenever he talks about his parents splitting up he freezes, he gets nervous, it's always uncomfortable for me to watch him have so much hurt because of it, if it was my way he would never feel hurt ever again. "David was given the opportunity to choose who he wanted to live with because he was over twelve maybe Oliver can choice to live with us and it won't be up to your mom" This could really work, me and Nick will have to talk to Mom about this tomorrow... safe to say I'm dreading it already.

Authors Note
YALL CONVINCED ME A FEW CHAPTERS AGO AND YESTERDAYS CHAPTER COMMENTS DEFINITELY CONFIRMED IT( seriously thank you all for commenting it means so much and voting <333) , I also now have the cutest idea omg i'm so excited) and btw i'm not sure if this is true but I think wattpad limits ever book to 200 chapters and don't worry if the story isn't done by then I will just create volume two to this book!!! I also have an idea for another heartstopper fan fic, I saw this Au on tiktok and fell in love with it i've been thinking about it for MONTHS so tell me if you guys want to know what the Au is (i'm not entirely sure when i'm going to do it, because i'm trying to figure out a posting schedule that works)
(Au = alternate universe)

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