Chapter Thirty Four Flashback-2

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For Aleds plan to work I needed to not bring any extra attention to the fact I was going to be snooping through his draws in hopes of finding some indication of his taste in jewelry without having to ask him, it would look super suspicious if I just randomly asked him oh what type of rings do you like, he would be on to me right away. I walk down stairs and go to put my shoes on and yell "MOM IM GOING TO NICKS NOW!" I cross my fingers she'll let me go and not torture me with her constant nagging and trying to shove an absurd amount of food down my throat. She walks up behind me and sternly states "Charlie spring your not going anywhere until you've sat down with the family and eat the dinner I set out for you, THATS THE RULE AND ITS FINALE" I hated her for this and just wished she would stop trying to force food on me in this way; Nick would have made sure I ate anyway but not in a controlling manner like her. "Ugh fine" I say in response, then walk over to the table to sit with everyone. I look and to my disgust I see lasagna, most forms of pasta have always been sort of a fear food for me, I hated the way I felt after eating it. My mom of course placed a massive slice on my plate it was bigger than anyone else's at the table "mom this is so unfair I can't eat all of this, it will make me sick plus I hate lasagna" "Charlie don't argue this is what's best for you now please stop talking back! so we can have a nice family dinner" Tori then stood up and said "This is utterly ridiculous mom he said he doesn't want that much" She rolls her eyes and just ignores Tori. I give her a thanks for trying look and start moving my fork around the plate. I stare at it then cut a small piece and put it in my mouth. It took me awhile but I manger to stomach half the large piece of
lasagna I know Nick would be so proud of me. I get up and try to take my plate to the sink then my mom says "CHARLIE we just talked about this!!! Put the plate back down on the table and finish it or your not going to Nicks house. I felt full and the horrible thoughts started flooding my head I knew I just couldn't eat anymore but I listen to my mom and sit back down. Right as I sat down I felt tears falling from my face, I tried my best to stop the tears from falling because my mom always gets angry when I cry and says I can't cry my way out of everything and try's to make me feel bad about crying. I close my eyes and squeeze them super tight to stop the tears but nothings working, My dad notices that i'm crying and says "Hey Charlie go put your dish on the counter and get ready for nicks you've eaten plenty im proud of you son" I felt less lonely in this moment and was so happy my dad was at least proud of me. I head upstairs and half way up I can hear my parents downstairs arguing.

"Jane you know that was way too much for him to eat for god sake I didn't even eat that much Charlie ate a normal size amount that should be enough!"

"Julio I hate it when you take his side and undermine me like that!! he needs to get his weight up he's way too small and looks sickly i'm trying to help him"

"Forcing him to eat tell he's sick Jane isn't going to help for fuck sakes he was crying and still trying to eat it to please you"

"Don't swear Julio oliver could hear you, he cry's too much he cry's more than his baby brother and his sister combined i'm used to his crying by now, he knows how to get out of things if he cry's that's why he does it"

"Jane that's untrue he was clearly struggling you don't get over an Eating disorder overnight"

"I'm not a moron Julio I know you don't get over an eating disorder overnight that's why i'm pushing him to get better. Now drop it"

I run to the bathroom and slam the door I couldn't listen to anymore of that conversation. My mom thinks I just cry to get out of things, I try and hold my emotions back when she's around but I just can't. I know I cry more than all my friends and Nick and maybe she was right I do cry a lot but i'm not just crying to get out of eating , I feel so alone like nobody understands. I don't even grab my stuff in my room, I just run to the door trying to put on my shoes as fast as possible so my mom doesn't see i'm still sobbing. I successfully made it out of the house without my mom seeing me, I run down the street towards Nicks house as fast as I could, a few blocks later I'm at his house. I ring the doorbell forgetting to text Nick i'm here, so unexpectedly Mrs Nelson opens the door and sees me standing there in the pouring rain with no coat or umbrella with tears still falling down my face. She takes one look at me and pulls me into the house in a warm embrace "Charlie are you ok baby" "im fine now that im here" She squeezes me tighter and says "You know your always welcome here even in the middle of the night if you need, Nick loves you very much but so do I" I start crying more and say "I wish my mom could be like you, she doesn't care about me or my feelings" Nicks mom starts tearing up a little bit "Some people just have a funny way of showing there support and Charlie im so sorry for whatever has happened" Right after she said that I hear Nick walking down the stairs he locks eye contact with me and sees my face wet with tears he then comes running towards me...

Authors note
I'm not sure how long This flashback will be, I haven't even got to the part where he's giving Nick the ring so it might be a few more chapters so fingers crossed you guys are enjoying it 🤞🤞 please give me your opinions  Love everyone 😍😍😍

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