Chapter Eighty One Happy fucking Birthday

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Nicks perspective
I felt in slow motion Like the world was giving me a chance to protect Charlie make sure his mom didn't see his wrist, he doesn't deserve punishment for an accident, the glass was too sharp. I couldn't see him get hurt yet another time on his birthday. I reached over the table were his arm was and grabbed it en closing my fingers over his scar he flinched not expecting me to grab his arm. This caught everyone's attention they all looked at me with puzzled perplexed expressions except Tori she understood I could see it in her eyes. I just pulled his hand under the table and grabbed him the salt. His dad who was sitting on the other side of Charlie said "No don't tell me your doing it again please no" he said almost crying, I swear I could see Charlie's heart literally shatter he never wanted this to cause pain to others but that's the thing about self harm it doesn't just affect you it affects everyone around you who cares. His Mom looked really mad like she was going to have one of her freak outs "What is it with you you've always had the whole family's attention constantly I THOUGHT YOU WHOULD HAVE GROWN UP BY NOW I GEUSS NOT!!" silent tears streamed down his face his head was down not making eye contact with anyone. I wrapped my arm around Charlie and lowered my head down to his and whispered "that's not true ok" I pushed out my Chair and stood up "Come on Charlie were leaving" I announced to everyone Charlie got up still with his head down avoiding eyes contact with anyone.

Michaels Perspective
I saw everything that went down at the table I had left because I couldn't handle watching Charlie get harassed by his mom and nobody doing anything about it I saw how much Nick just wanted to lay into her but Charlie didn't want him too so he contained himself for Charlie. I'm so done with her I can't stay quiet I walk over to the table and stand beside Nick and Charlie who are stood about to leave "Jane it was his Fucking birthday you begged him to come visit you than you treat him like a piece of worthless trash I hope your happy because his birthday is ruined and consider this your last visit with him because why would anyone want to visit a witch like yourself" I saw her face drop it looked expressionless which made me even more proud of myself that bitch deserved it. "DONT CALL ME NAMES IN MY HOME!!! TORI HOW DID YOU GET SO UNLUCKY WITH THIS ONE" her insults didn't even scratch the surface of my thick skin I've been called every name in the book this pitiful come back was nothing. Tori spoke up "No I got so lucky to have a husband who looks out for my family" Tori has the voice of an angle and is well spoken. I could see Nick storming back he had lead Charlie to the front door, He hugged me tight like a proper hug he never hugs me Nick was the loyalist boyfriend ever he almost thought hugging another guy was cheating that's why he stuck to only handshakes with me, I guess today was an exception. "Thank you Michael" he said before letting go and death staring Jane "All he wanted was for you to be proud of him but you couldn't even do that I'm so disappointed and disgusted in the way you treated him let alone on his fucken birthday " He walked off towards Charlie wrapping his big long arms around Charlie whispering something into his ear, Charlie looked non responsive completely devastated.

Charlie's perspective
I felt emotionally drained like as if you had a number of times you could cry in your life before you ran dry I was dry right now. I wanted her to say one nice thing about me just one I wanted this so bad to happen that I put all my energy into it, like when your craving something and can't feed that satisfaction you'll do anything to get it. Nick had his arms around me but I felt nothing I don't know what to do or say so i'm not going to do anything.

Nicks perspective
Charlie was against my chest I could feel his staggered breath and his hands shaking, he just stood there he wasn't crying anymore nor talking or moving just quietly standing still. I lead his limp body to the car he walked slow behind me as I almost dragged him out of  his old home. I opened the car door and he sat in the passenger seat, I made my way over to the drivers side to get us home. I started driving and after a few minutes of silence I say
"I want you to listen to me Charlie"
"ok" he said in a small muffled voice
"Your strong and brave"
"Your supportive and caring"
"You've improved so much your mom is just blind"
"Your not going to relapse because of her that gives her power over you ok"
"ok" another muffled response
"I'm going to make it up to you we're going to pretend today was never your birthday ok"
"Mmhm" he mumbles
"I love you"
"I love you too" he said but so quietly I could barely hear
I needed to fix this he's been so supportive of me for the last few months with all my anxiety shit I've been going through I need to do the same for him now, I have an idea that might work, hopefully fingers crossed.

Authors Note
Have you guys ever felt so devastated that something you wanted more than anything to happen didn't happen BEEN THERE DONE THAT just curious love to hear some stories ❤️❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️❤️💗💗❤️❤️VOTING AND COMMENTING SUPPORTS ME SM SO THANK YOU!!! Ily 🤟 AND GO MICHAEL ILY SM!!!!!!

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