Chapter Eighty Seven I Need Comfort

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Charlies' perspective
I was outside of nicks old bedroom an omg did it ever bring back some memories, I could hear Nick in there, it almost sounded like he was talking to himself. I stood outside his door just standing there like a moron, why was I so awkward and nervous this was my fiancé. It's not like we're fighting but it is in a way it is like were fighting we haven't spoken to each other, kissed or cuddled, I wouldn't even snuggle with him in the morning. This wasn't even his fault In the slightest but I acted like it was I should've talked to him I should've told him I didn't want to discuss my mom or my birthday but I shut him out, I treated him how I should be treating my mom, unfortunately I'm still answering her constant texts because I Can't seem to tell her no or stop I'm just to weak I guess, that's really the only explanation isn't it.

Even though I trust Nick more than anyone in the world I still didn't know what to say In this moment so I tried turning the knob to see if I could just let myself into his bedroom but as I suspected it was locked, I jostled the Knob then Nicks voice bellowed from the other side of the door "Go away Mom" I felt my eyes almost watering as I heard his voice he was crying and chocking on his words, was I the reason he was crying, shit I really fucked up. I should've said something but I couldn't make out the words, so I just knocked, his voice seeming more angry than sad this time "MOM please! Charlie probably hates me and you're not helping, I've heard you tell me a thousand times that I shouldn't have left him, I know, I don't need another lecture right now can't you tell I'm sad enough, I love Charlie and I let him down ok is that what you want me to say" My heart skipped a beat and I felt so relived he wasn't angry with me even though I did do something wrong, but sad hearing what his mom said, he didn't deserve that I was wrong not him. Then his words hit me, he thinks I hate him, I can't believe he said that I can't even begin to think about that, I would and could NEVER hate him, Hes the last person I would ever hate, even if he broke up with me I would never hate him he'll always be the love of my life no matter what, I used to think soulmates were silly until I met Nick I can confidently say Nick Nelson is one hundred percent my soulmate.

I wiped my dewy eyes and stood up tall, giving myself a sense of fake confidence and said "I could never hate you" I heard everything go silent I didn't hear his staggered breath and sobbing anymore, The silence was killing me I could hear my heart beating out of my chest I don't know if that was due to the fact it was so quiet or because I was so anxious. I heard his softened voice closer to the door this time "Charlie?" "Yeah, I'm here...Right here" I touched the door showing him how close I was to him, he didn't say a word just unlocked the door, before the door swung open I shut my eyes and prepared myself for what I was about to see, Nick doesn't cry too much like maybe a little bit like a few tears but not full on crying like I do what feels like once a week and when he does he hides in our room or hides his face in his hands. The door opened and yup like I thought my heart broke his face look exhausted, he looked exhausted! his eyes were blood shot and very puffy his cheeks were bright red and at the coners of his eyes were red with rashes from rubbing them too much. His hair was all a mess which looked rather cute, but what he looked like didn't matter right now, what mattered right now was how he felt.

He just looked at me and I wrapped him up in my arms as fast as I could, making sure he felt secure and loved. I know Nicks love langue is words of affirmation they also help him calm down so I started to talk to him "Nick I can't believe you would even say that I hate you but I understand that my behavior might have sent you the wrong message, I should've talked to you and explained that I didn't want to talk about my mom I know you would've respected my boundaries I was just really upset with my mom and I took out on you I'm really sorry I was being stupid" he nuzzled his head into my chest more and said well still sobbing "that's not why I thought you hated me... it's because I'm awful I don't know why you don't hate me" his crying increased now and I wanted more than anything for Nick to believe me, I ran my fingers through his hair in attempt to calm him down, Nick was really hard to calm down once Hes worked up. "Nick, I promise you did nothing wrong I'm actually happy you left last night it got me to realize that I was being totally unfair to you, I never should've handled things the way I did" he looked up at me now and I cupped his face in my hands I couldn't help but get distracted by the fact he looked like a sad puppy. I wiped the remaining tears off his cheeks and under his eyes, he has stopped crying now and is just looking up at me. I pulled him over to the bed where we sat down beside one another.

He laid his head on my shoulder and we just sat there as I told him how much I was absolutely in love with him. It's been around twenty minutes and Nick looked back to his normal self his eyes have calmed down and aren't as in flamed anymore, he looked at me with his newfound softened expression "you don't need to tell me if you don't..."  " I want to tell you I need your support" I could see him trying to hold back a smile, I know me not telling him was hurting him because all Hes ever done for me is unconditionally love and support me and he's wants to be there for me. I patted my thigh and he laid his head down in my lap, I pulled his shirt up and tickled his back. He loved this, his mom used to do this when he was little, and it comforted him and that's exactly what he needed right now.

Authors Note
Ok this is so sweet💕😩 voting and commenting supports my story so thank you if you did❤️❤️❤️❤️

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