Chapter Ninty One Career switch?

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Charlie's perspective
we were sitting on the couch still I was sitting at the end of it near our end table that had our magizines, coasters books and home phone. I don't know why we even had a home phone we hardly got any calls on it, but today we did and I answered it.
"Hello Charlie spring speaking"
"Hey Charles how are you! oh i've missed you two darlings"
"Hi Ron how are you"

Ron was well I guess I could say my friend too he met Nick in paris when Nick was visiting his dad and they stayed friends ever since then, now he's in the modelling business and is amazing at it! He lives near us now he recently just moved and is working only a few blocks away from our apartment actually.

"I'm good loving the new place there's so many beaches around you guys should have told me to come sooner, I even met someone already"

"OMG RON that's exciting what's his or hers name"
"Charlie I love you but come on wasn't it obvious i'm gay there no she involved"
I laughed nervously
"Yeah my gaydar sucks"
"Well I wanted to know how serious Nick was about teaching"
"Ummm it's his career so I hope he's serious about it why"
"I want to offer him a contact with me I showed my new bosses my portfolio and they offered a lot of money if Nick will come and work with me they loved him"
"Ron that's amazing news, Nick is very stubborn though even if he wants to it might take some time"
"Trust me darling I know if he wasn't with you I would definitely say major heterosexual"
"hold on one sec ron"

I put the phone on hold as Nick had woken up from his nap he was laying his head on my lap asleep now he was sitting up still looking tired tapping my shoulder to get my attention. "who's that" he asks I look over to him and smile "It's Ron he has some exciting news" I say almost shrieking I was so excited for Nick not because of the money, I wouldn't care if we were homeless and he was doing what he loved I just wanted him happy, I know he loves teaching but he doesn't have the passion he has for modelling, everyone can see it, plus he's starting to come home upset and annoyed with the school system and I don't believe it's the right environment for him and I don't think he believes it's the right environment for him ether. Nick looks skeptical and says "what's so exciting that your practically screaming over" he laughs a bit and pinches my cheeks "well whatever it is i'm grateful for it because I haven't seen my char this happy in a while and I'm very much enjoying it" I smile at him and hand him the phone so curious to what he's going to say.

He talks for a bit asking questions and listening intently I could see the excitement on his face. He finally hangs up the phone, My hands are grabbing his forearm in excitement, I was just so excited for him. "Soooo how what did you say" he looks at me and says flatly "I said no" I look at him shocked "What you love modelling why would you say no" he frowns "I'm a teacher not a model I have a career i'm not going to throw that away for a small gig" "Nick he's offered you a full time contract this isn't a gig they seriously want you" He shook his head and walked to the kitchen. I was still sat on the couch about to get up and follow him "Don't walk away from me Nick" he responds "I'm not I just need to think" Maybe I was being a bit pushy but I didn't want him to give up on something that he clearly wants. "Sorry I was being a bit pushy but don't you think you should follow your dreams" he spits back "Like you and your music career" "hey that's different" I say sternly, he knows that's different I wasn't being offered a contract, I wasn't talented like Nick, I knew the basics of drumming I wasn't that good I couldn't actually pursue it. I wasn't going to push anymore if he doesn't want it then so be it. I can't convince him if he doesn't want to take a risk.

I followed him into the kitchen now to give him a hug I didn't want him to be agitated at me. I rubbed his back and looked at what he was doing he was closing the pills he had gotten from our doctor to aid his separation anxiety, but he was only supposed to have them in an emergent situation why was he holding one now. "Nick what are you doing with that the doctor said only have those when your panicking about being separation he was very specific not to take them for any other reason" he opened the bottle back up and dropped the pill back in "Yeah I don't know what I was thinking" I turn him to face me "well it's obviously something serious if you were going to take one of those you hate the idea of taking medication" He looked down hiding his face filled with all sorts of feelings "You can tell me" I say stepping closer to him. "This past few days i've been taking them because you were so distant and I guess i'm scared that i'm going to have another panic attack if I don't take them" Shit he had been taking them because I wasn't talking to him it never even crossed my mind how hard it was for him knowing his condition. I hugged him like it was our last hug ever my hands were wrapped around his waits and I looked up to him to give him a kiss, "you'll be ok , it will be ok when did you have a panic attack" he stayed silent "Wanna talk about it later" he nodded his head "that's alright, i'm right here I won't let you panic, it's going to be ok" Nick has slowly worked himself up but he was calming down again, I didn't realize he had a panic attack I feel this intense sharp guilt impaling me, but I needed to brush that off my shoulder and focus in on Nick i've had a few panic attacks before and they can be really scary, so I understand why Nick is so terrified that it will happen again. I feel so far from him right now I didn't even know he had one and who calmed him down when did it happen, how come I didn't know, I have so many questions.

Authors Note
Hey everyone I feel so grateful for you all each day i'm granted something new to smile about thanks to all the wonderful comments i've gotten, What shocks me the most is i've never gotten a hate comment and to me that's wild so thanks for the love and support. Thanks for reading. Voting and commenting is the best way to support me and my story so THANK YOU 😍😍😍😍😍😍🫶🫶🫶❤️😊 ily you all stay safe. Question for y'all if you have time do you think Nick should chase his dreams?

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