Chapter 103 Imogen :/

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Charlie's perspective
My skin crawled as she brushed her hand down Nicks bicep, I understand that he was like the definition of attractive so I didn't blame her for trying but the look on Nicks face said it all he looked uncomfortable to say the least, he was completely tense. I know I shouldn't be bothered by it because at the end of the day i'm the one who gets to kiss him goodnight, Im the one who gets to have random make out sessions with him in the middle of a movie, I get his amazing hugs everyday, I get his full support and attention whenever I need it, but this still bothered me it was stupid I know, I guess it's just hard seeing someone flirt with your fiancé, I stood there not moving or doing anything, I just stared at them until I turned around and walked out the doors, I couldn't take it, I needed to remove myself from the situation before I got upset with Nick because he didn't deserve that he did nothing wrong, I just didn't like seeing what I was seeing.

Nicks perspective
Imogen the receptionist I met at my lunch break has already become someone I did not like, she's very touchy and she's obviously trying to get with me and doesn't even try to hide it, I tried telling her I was in a relationship but she would just cut me off, I was walking out of the back were all the shoots are done into the main entrance with Ron when Imogen walked up to me "Nick there you are how was your first day darling you looked so good in all the photos especially when you weren't wearing a shirt" she said as she touched my bicep, I felt so uncomfortable, I Inched away from her causing her to take that hand off my arm, I looked up from the ground to see Charlie, he was just standing there he looked so hurt, Fuck he's got the wrong idea right as I was about to walk over to him he turned around and left in a hurry, shit shit shit he probably hates me he probably thinks that I was flirting back with her behind his back like ben did with becky. I walked out of the building and looked around the parking lot, I soon spotted our jeep thank god he didn't leave and was going to give me a chance to explain, I ran to the car and opened the passenger side and hoped in I was out of breath from the adrenaline, I quickly started to defend myself praying he would believe me " I should've never let her flirt with me I was just trying to be professional and not cause problems on my first day but that's no excuse I promise I told her I was in a relationship when I met her at lunch but she obviously doesn't care I promise I would never hurt you or flirt back with her next time I will" my train of thought completely stopped when Charlie put his hand on my shoulder, I loved the feeling of warmth it gave off "Slow down... Nick I trust you I know you wouldn't do anything to jeopardize what we have I saw the look on your face when she walked over to you, you were completely tense and you looked so uncomfortable it made my skin crawl just looking at you like that, it reminded me of how I felt when Ben forced himself on me, this isn't your fault darling" I leaned over and hugged Charlie "I love you" was all I managed to say in response I didn't know what I was feeling right now I felt ashamed and confused but Charlie always found a way to make me feel better just being in his arms made me feel 100 times better.

Charlie's perspective
Nick still looked uncomfortable and on edge so I thought now was a better time than any to change the subject "Besides this receptionist how was your day, how did it go!" I saw a smile reappear on his face "It went really well I got the contact" " YOU GOT IT I KNEW YOU WOULD " I said enthusiastically before pulling him in by the cuff of his shirt for a kiss "I'm so proud of you" I said in between many kisses.

third person perspective
The two boys drove down the street towards their apartment as the sun started to set, the sky was like a painting with splashes of warm tones of pinks and purples filling the sky. Charlie drove as Nick joked about his driving skills when Charlie made a little too harsh of a stop. They laughed as one another shot back insults and comebacks, they truly were adorable even when they were insulting each other. Charlie thought it would be a good idea to celebrate Nick, and what better way to go about that then go to a proper nice ice cream shop that has hundreds of wacky flavours to choose from and go for a walk along the beach. Charlie turned down the knob on the stereo and said "I think we need to celebrate what do you say me you ice cream and the beach?" Nicks eyes lit up at the thought of a romantic night out with his person, he placed his much larger hand over Charlie's knee sending butterflies Charlie's way "I couldn't think of anything I would rather do" Nicks said as he admired his adorable fiancé as he struggled to keep his focus on the road, he so badly wanted to pull over the car and get on top of Nick. They went into the ice cream shop and looked over the flavours both not having a clue to what they wanted, until Charlie spotted his favourite Mint chip, Nick decided on birthday cake and fudge as Charlie was getting annoyed with how long he was taking to choose. They paid for their ice cream and headed towards the beach the sun had set more and the colours although were still present were fading into the darkness. They walked down to the beach and sat down Nick took off his jacket and wrapped it around Charlie who seemly was always cold, Nick didn't even need to ask he knew his fiancé was probably cold when was he not, Charlie leaned into Nick and the two sat on the beach together looking up at the sky eating ice cream, both thinking how could life get any better than this.

Authors Note
Imogen wasn't in the books so in this story they have never met Imogen until now. WOW i've done so many fluffy chapters lately i'm on a roll who knows how long that will last though 🫢 Thank you so much for reading todays chapter voting or commenting it supports me as an author and supports this book so if you like it supporting it helps it grow 🫶🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️💗🥰🥰 Ily and stay safe 😘😘😘

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