Chapter Eighty Two Heart Break

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Nicks perspective
It's been two hours since we got home, I'm starving I didn't mange to eat much at dinner there was too much going on and we left before we even really touched dinner. Charlie has got to be so hungry he ate not much for lunch... less than half a bowl of macaroni salad, since we got home he hasn't said a word he'll respond to me with a mumble or a quiet ok but nothing more he's just sitting on the couch cuddled up with his favourite blanket not even watching a show just sitting there with his eyes closed. I walked over to the couch, behind were Charlie was sitting and and started rubbing his shoulders for some reason he started doing this to me when I was upset or angry and it stuck he always did it, it gives me a sense of comfort like i'm not alone. I rubbed his shoulder softly usual Charlie would enjoy this he loves massages I think its because he goes through so much stress on a daily basis but he didn't react at all no awe thanks babe, or right here, or love you, not even a love you! I don't get what's going on I can't understand what's going on if he doesn't share it with me. I feel
like I should call Elle becauseI feel helpless and overwhelmed with all this responsibility I feel like one wrong move could ruin everything. All I want to do is breakdown and cry, cry about how awful Charlie's birthday was, cry about how shit that day he cut himself with the glass was that i'm now remembering, cry about how unfair life is for Charlie, cry about my fuken anxiety always getting in the way of everything, I just want to cry but I know I can't not right now Charlie can't take anymore stress.
"Char are you ok"
he didn't answer me
"Baby talk to me please I'm getting scared"
"Don't be... Scared"
"You must be so hungry you haven't eaten much please let me make you something char"
"no don't i'm the opposite of hungry"
"Charlie I'm making you something anyways"
"I don't care" he said coldly

I stopped rubbing his shoulders and leaned around his side and kissed his cheek and his sweet dimples that I love so much. I needed to think of his safe foods like fruit and vegetables rice cakes hmm pickles he loved pickles. I got out a plate and put a rice cake on it and cut some pickles into quarters then I cut some kiwis and strawberries and placed everything on the plate not touching of course because I know when his emotions are high his OCD goes nuts. I placed the plate in front of him on the coffee table and sat down as close to him as possible I pulled him in close to me so his head was rested on my shoulder "Char look I know your upset and your hurting I'm hurting too I hate seeing you like this its breaking my heart but you need to have a little something before bed you've barely eaten all day i've probably eaten double what you've had and i'm starving" Charlie just nuzzled his face into my chest not responding to my request. "Please just eat a bit Charlie come on" I say a little more sternly this time hoping he will just eat something. mmhm he mumbled. Not understanding what he meant I asked "Mmhm what" he didn't say anything what was I really expecting through, he just had the worst birthday in history because his mom is the definition of a selfish prick. I could feel tears wanting to bury out of my eyes, I shut my eyes tightly stopping the tears from falling down my face, I couldn't do that to Charlie he will feel guilty and blame himself, I needed someone to talk too I need help. "Babe the foods there i'm just going to go call Elle back she called earlier" "Mmhm" he mumbled which just made me feel like screaming even more what's wrong why was he acting like this I don't understand how I can fix this.

Ring Ring
"Hi" my voice sounded horse
"Nick? what's wrong... are you crying"
"Yeah I don't know what to do"
"Ok I'm coming right now you can explain when I get there "
"Can you bring Tao" I say desperately
"You think I wasn't going to come somethings obviously wrong you guys are my best friends i'm always here to support you"
"Thanks Tao"
Elle and Tao lived close and left there house right away.

I heard Knocking on the door as I walked by our living room I saw Charlie still sitting on the couch with his knees drown up to his chest he payed no attention to the knocking it's like he doesn't care about anything anymore this made the worry inside me build. I opened the door to see Elles beautiful face she had no makeup on but was as beautiful as ever and Tao wearing his favourite red beanie. Before I could greet them Elle blurted out "Sorry I look a mess I didn't have time to clean up we left right after you called" Tao rolled his eyes obviously knowing how truly beautiful his wife was I wiped my eyes and said "Elle your always gorgeous and look at me i'm a wreck" Elle hugged me almost throwing herself into me god I love Elle she's the best friend anyone could ask for, Tao too. "Come in I'll explain everything" I brought them inside and we all sat in the kitchen. "Where's Charlie I want to wish him a happy birthday" I frowned at the mention of this horrible day being his birthday. "That's the thing Charlie's mom well you know her... she had a massive freak out at dinner and said something to Charlie well I was talking with Oliver that Charlie really didn't want to tell me but after the freak out happened he's been hardly responding to me not moving he's been doing nothing and it's freaking me out and I didn't know what to do he's frozen he didn't even flinch when you knocked on the door what is happening, how do I make him feel better, What the fuck should I do" Elle patted my back and said "Hey clam down, he's ok right he didn't cut?" I felt myself relax as her calming voice hit my ear drums "No he didn't" she smiled enthusiastically "See look at the bright side things could have been worse" Tao stood up from the chair and said "I'm going to go see if he'll talk with me that's ok right Nick" I quickly responded desperately "Yes yes please do"

Authors Note

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