Chapter 113 Your beautiful

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Charlies' perspective
"Thank you" I said as I left the uber, I spotted our jeep instantly when I walked out of the car. I mean we did have a pretty basic Jeep it was a black Rangler, so I clicked the fob and saw the lights flash, then headed towards our car to sit and wait for Nick, he told me he was going to be home at 1:00 and it was 12:45 now he should be coming out any minuet. I'm scrolling through Instagram well waiting for him when I feel a pair of eyes on me, I look up from my phone to see Nick staring at me from a few steps away. He looked very shocked to see me, he just kept staring so I waved and smiled, he smiled back almost snapping out of thought and climbed into the passenger side. "What are you doing here" he asked I grabbed his hand interlocking our fingers then gave his hand a soft squeeze "I wanted to surprise you" He pulled out his phone pretending to check the calendar "is it My birthday or something" I laughed as I hit his arm playfully "hey I surprise you lots not just on your birthday" he replies with "ok name the last time you surprised me" shit he had me there, it's been awhile "moving on "I said as he kissed my cheek "Jokes aside thank you Char seeing you has already made my day ten times better I haven't been having the best day" I pulled his head into my chest and stroked the back of it, maybe Hes scared I'm going to freak out or say something rude about it and I'm the reason Hes having a bed day, I want him to tell me everything I want him to tell me what Hes doing at work, most importantly I want him to trust me. I kissed his ear lightly before whispering into it "You know you can trust me right" his words were muffled from his head still being nuzzled into my chest "of course I do darling" I needed to make myself clear so I went on some more "You know I would support you with every choice you make even if its unexpected" he pulled his face away from my chest and sat up to meet my eyes "where's all this coming from, is this about why you were upset yesterday" he had such a look of care I wanted to tell him everything that happened I wanted to cry on his shoulder about how I though we were over and how I was going to stay with him even if he cheated on me because of how much I love him and how I could never picture my life without him, tell him how real it felt all because I jumped to conclusions and didn't ask him about it and how stupid I feel for every believing he would cheat on me even though I promised I wouldn't think like that. I wanted to tell him how sorry I was for droughting him and breaking our promise, there were so many things I wanted to say but knew I couldn't. I needed to let him tell me about the makeup not me explode and dump everything on him all at once, I'll let him tell me when he wants to even if its hard to wait. "Charlie" Nick repeated as he waved his hand Infront of my face, shit I was wrapped up in my thoughts I forgot to talk. "it has a little to do with it... I sort of thought you were cheating on me because I found some makeup around the house" his eyes went wide his face turned super red he was so embarrassed I wanted to hug him and assure him everything was ok, and I didn't care about any of that stuff modeling or not if he wanted to wear makeup every day I wouldn't care if Hes happy I'm happy. He still stayed silent looking completely shocked so I quickly said not wanting him to be embarrassed "I know it was stupid to think that I know it was probably Elles from a few weeks ago when she was here, I know you would never do that to me, you don't know for sure where it came from do you" he started biting his nails nervously like he always does when Hes anxious about something and that's when I knew I needed to stop prying I was making him stressed and that's the last thing I want to do. I took his hands from his mouth and held them in mine. "I don't know where it came from" he said his eyes welling up, this was a really big deal to him. I pulled him in for a kiss when we pulled apart, I hugged him so tight rubbing his back "what about we get ice cream and go for a walk in the park we haven't done that in a long time. "Id like that" he replied quietly trying not to cry.
Third person
Charlie went and opened the door for Nick escorting him out well once they arrived at the park holding out his hand if Nick was royalty, Charlie wanted Nick to feel special and beautiful because he knew Nick has been feeling a little insecure lately. Charlie put two and two together and realized why he was so embarrassed about the makeup and feminine clothing; it was something Nick didn't feel confident in and that mixed with him already feeling insecure about his body obviously was bringing him down. Charlie and him got ice cream Nick got the most chaotic flavor combo of bubblegum and birthday cake and Charlie got fudge like he always did. Charlie gave Nick so many kisses and hugs, along their walk, wishing he could strip Nick from the anxiety he was feeling, Charlie knew that wasn't possible but he knew hugs and kisses would at least make him feel better. Charlie reminded Nick how much he meant to him and how good he looked, Charlie paid nick many compliments hoping it would boost Nick up a bit, and it seemed to work Nick ate up every compliment Charlie gave him, they were happy just being together having a day just for them.

Authors Note
I hope you enjoyed today's chapter it's a very different theme I don't see most people do fem Nick stuff very often just Charlie and I'm really liking how it's going. Hopefully I'm not boring you guys tomorrows Chapter will be very exciting and full of emotions : ) Night love you all thanks for supporting me by commenting or voting it mean so much to me

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