Chapter Twenty Five Karma

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Nicks perspective
Charlie was still curled up on my lap on the beach but he had stopped crying and shaking. I pulled his long messy hair out of his face and picked him up without saying a word. "Nick what are you doing, where are we going?" Charlie said in a almost panicked voice. I was so mad It felt like I could barely speak I took the keys out of my pocket and and clicked unlock, I placed him down in the passenger seat of our jeep. He repeated himself again "Nick where are you going answer me!!" I know Charlie is going to be not completely accepting of my plan but he was my brother and he's had it coming for a long time now. "Charlie I need to go sort some stuff out with my brother, stay here!" I went to shut his door and he said "Nick promise me you won't do anything to get you hurt!" I looked him in the eyes and said "I promise I'll be fine Charlie, I'll be back soon" I left and ran towards we're My brother was on the beach.

I stood over David as he sat beside his girlfriend and my mom. I looked down at him and said in a stern voice "Why THE FUCK were you talking bad about Charlie earlier" He scoffs with his stupid little smile and replies "So what! everything I said was true." I felt my fists clenched and my jaw tightened I was so unbelievably angry I yelled "YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH HIM YOU HVE A FUCKING PROBLEM WITH ME" My mom looks frightened and says "boys please" I didn't have time for her right now. David gets up and stands face to face with me and says "You know he's messed up in the head obviously that's why you went running to him earlier" I was so angry I couldn't say anything... The next thing I know I feel my clenched fist pummel his face, I stand there as he falls to the ground then tackles me. My head hit the ground hard but I didn't care, he was about to open his mouth again and say something stupid but I beat him to it, I put my hand over his mouth and pushed him off me then said "Don't fucken ever be rude to my boyfriend again" David didn't like what I had to say I guess because he got angrier. He pushed me off him and punched me hard in the face, I fell face first then I could feel my face slicing open on a sharp rock. I could hear my moms crying in the background. I got up and elbowed him in the gut he fell to his knees then I walked away, as I walked past my mom I said "I'm sorry mom but David has caused me and Charlie so much pain and he needed some Karma" My mom looked shocked but nodded her head; then asked to see my face. I brushed her off and ran to me and Charlie's jeep. I promised Charlie I wouldn't do anything stupid but I didn't David deserved this anyways It was only a cut. I opened the door to the drivers side and hopped in.

"Nick what happened why were you gone so long!" I turned to him to explain and he saw the cut across my cheek "Nick what happened are you ok YOU PROMISED!" Charlie said in a very erotic worried tone. "Charlie i'm ok its just a cut, I know I promised! but I confronted David and he was being such an asshole and the next thing I know i'm so mad I can't think straight, then I punched him in the face we fought and he managed to get a few hits on me but I finished the fight and left right away I never want to talk to him again I HATE HIM" Charlie looked worried and happy at the same time then said "I'll let it slide this time because David had it coming but no more fighting for you! Seeing you hurt kills me Nick, and thinking about you fighting someone and getting hurt make me so scared and worried." I smile and say "No more fighting unless someone hurts you then I have to, because nobody gets to hurt you and get away with it anymore, you've dealt with enough bullying for a life time. You can blame that on how much I immensely love you" Charlie wipes the dripping blood from my cheek and says "Does anywhere else hurt did he kick you or..." I respond "My back does hurt a little bit you know what would make that better... your cuddles" he blushes and smiles bright. I pulled out my phone and googled "Nice hotels near me" I found one and called because me and Charlie definitely weren't going back to the Air B&B with that homophobic dickhead, he had done enough damage already. We Checked in and it was so gorgeous......

Authors Note
It's hard to explain how much I hate david omg but he got what he deserved finally. Love you all have a good night or day 💓💛💙

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