Chapter Sixty Seven Last minute Suprise

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Charlie's perspective
Nick was asleep on the couch, last night was terrible. Nick was so unbelievably tired he fell asleep mid afternoon on the couch and slept through the day and night. I tried waking him but he was out, like completely sound asleep. When he fell asleep yesterday I did some research and called the pharmacist about the pills he was taking, I was worried and I knew Nick would be freaking out when he woke up, he never sleeps like this, I mean most people don't but still. I talked on the phone with her and she warned me about the main symptoms, Extreme tiredness, loss of appetite, slight mood swings, and confusion. She also explained to me that these pills were not an everyday pill si him taking them everyday for a week will increase the side affects. The sleeping was because his brain was partial turned off blocking all the anxious feelings he gets causing him to be at ease and relaxed. Last night was cold and I felt really lonely, Nick was sleeping on the couch and I was in our bed, I tried waking him so he could brush his teeth and come to bed but I literally couldn't wake him up, I didn't try water because I though that was a little too mean. I know I needed to wake him up before the afternoon because I don't want him to be asleep for 24 hours that just seems unhealthy. I went to the washroom to clean up a bit before waking Nick and I could see my eyes were red and puffy from crying, I had a few bad dreams last night and I woke up crying, I could faintly remember the dream now, I was young again fragile and weak walking through the doors of my school to see ben and harry teasing me about my hair my body, my annoying high pitch gay boy voice, everything i've ever said and done was listed. I need to move and just forget about it now, they were just some stupid bully's from high school that ment less than the shit on my shoe. I rubbed my eyes and fixed my hair with some product. Filling up the glass on the counter with water I walked over to Nick and poured it on his face. his head jerked up and he grumbled "What the hell" Seeing his flustered and shocked face I felt instant regret "I'm so sorry Nick it's just that I couldn't wake you up" he grumbles again "What time is it" I look at our kitchen clock "It's 11:00" he shakes his head in a sort of confused way "But I went to sleep at 1:00 how can it be 11:00" he was now sat up on the couch and I sat beside him "Love you slept on the couch all last night and all day yesterday" He hugged me tight right away "Oh no i'm sorry, I know you don't like sleeping alone, this is all my fault I never should've agreed to this stupid medication" he puts his hands on his head in frustration. "Your just tired it's ok and I was fine, I wished you were there becauseI love cuddling with you but I can survive one night without you" he smiles again seemingly putting it behind him.

Nicks perspective
Charlie went to go get changed and I was still waking up, Charlie's phone beside me kept vibrating like he was getting one hundred messages all at once, me and Charlie are very open to each other and don't normally mind if we check or answer each other's phones for one en other, so I flip his phone over and see messages from a group chat he's in called:
Just a Group of Nerds

We should get Charlie's boyfriend to get him to come and surprise him

James 💙
he has a boyfriend? 👀

Yea have you not insta stalked him yet! your so lame 😒

Charlie is in this group chat you moron he's going to see this 🤦🏾‍♀️

Tao 🧍🏻
he hardly ever checks the group chat messages he won't see this🙏

Tao that's not how you use the emoji 🤣

Am I just supposed to ignore the fact that Charlie has a FREAKING BOYFRIEND AND YOU GUYS DIDNG TELL ME 😡

James honey that's old news 🗞

what are we surprising him with (this is his boyfriend btw)

Tao 🧍🏻
Nicolas Nelson well well well

cut the crap Tao and just tell me 😚

Tao 🧍🏻
eww never use that emoji near me again!!!!

🥰😍😘🥹🤩 is this better Tao

I love Nick 😌


enough flirting we know Charlie really wants to join the DnD club but he's like stressed about his schedule, can you just somehow convince him to come to today's meeting it'll be fun and he can see us before his birthday we all got him gifts 🎁

yeah sure Tao just message me the details on my phone and i'll delete this conversation off his phone

I deleted the conversation off his phone but took a picture of it on mine I don't know why but something seemed off about it, it was that James guy he seemed so interested in the fact that Charlie had a boyfriend. They don't even know that we are engaged yet Charlie told elle and we're planning a day out with the paris squad to tell them. Charlie can tell summer lily and James if he wants too it's up to him. I don't even know James but it's safe to say I already hate him. "Hey love" Charlie says entering the living room again, dressed this time in a short sleeve thrashers t shirt and black jeans with two rips on the knees they were his favourite pair. "Hands" Charlie says well coming closer to me, when he reaches me he de tightness my grip and smiles worriedly at me. I say "Don't look at me like that! i'm fine... I don't know why I was clenching my fists I guess habit" he ruins his fingers over the indents my nails left in my skin, I speak out again crumbling the silence "I have a surprise for you" his face lights up "What is it, it's not even my birthday yet" I chuckle looking at his excitement he's trying to contain. "Ill show you" I say.

Authors Note
A few Chapters ago I mentioned my own characters (The chapter was called babysitter) lily, summer and James they are friends of Taos from work who joined his DnD club Nick and Charlie haven't met them yet!!!!!! just to be clear! Tori and Michael pov coming soon!!! thanks for reading love to you all 💗💜❤️

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