Chapter 140 New School

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Charlies' perspective 
Oliver came into the kitchen, we of course let him sleep in as late as he wanted because he hadn't been attending school. Even though it was a Monday. We hadn't told Oliver that the kids on the rugby team got expelled, I need to have that chat with him this morning so he could maybe think about going back to Truham, because if he refuses, we must send him to a posh private school, which I know he wouldn't like, well I think he wouldn't like; Nick seems to think he will like it so I'm torn. "Nick made waffles bud" I said getting up off my chair to dish him up a plate. "Thanks Uncle Nick" he said looking over to him on the couch Nick smiled saying "your very welcome Ollie" Oliver took the plate I dished up for him happily, I'll start letting him do it himself soon, it's just hes a very shy kid so I know it will take some getting used to before he feels at home enough to just go up and grab it himself. I sit across from him and for some unknown reason hes is staring at me, every time I look up from my phone Hes looking at me "Is there something wrong sweetie" I ask, he nods before saying "uhh yeah, it looks like you haven't had anything to eat Charlie your plate is empty" I know I need to be a good role model for ollie but why does it have to be so hard, breakfast is the hardest meal for me to have probably because it's the easiest to skip, but I was going to do it. I smiled at him and got up "your right I was waiting for you ill grab some" I could see how happy Oliver was and I could feel how happy Nick was as he came up from behind me wrapping his arms around my stomach and resting his head on my shoulder whispering "your such a good brother babe, I'm so proud of you" I could feel myself blushing as I continued to plate up my waffles. 

We have finished eating and I keep trying to get out what I want to say but keep chickening out, it's just hard I don't want him to feel I'm forcing him to go back to Truham but now that those guys are gone, I feel it might be in his best interest to go back, I know he'll hate a posh private school but it's his only other option if he doesn't want to go to Truham. I finally built up the courage to ask him... here goes nothing "Oliver I have some good news" he looked at me with a perturbed look and I took that as he wanted me to elaborate "The whole rugby team got expelled" I said, he smiled faintly; he didn't seem that happy. "Sweetie is something bothering you" he responded "I just didn't really expect them to be expelled I feel, I don't know... bad" I placed his hand in mine, our arms connecting across the table "You don't need to feel bad they made the choice they made the decision to do the wrong thing, you don't need to live with the burden! they do, but if your sad about it your allowed to be I want you to know your emotion are always valid in this household" he nodded a few times slowly before I broke the news to him "Ok I wanted to ask you what your opinion is on going back to Truham now that they are gone?" it was silent for a few seconds. I could tell this was a hard choice for him, I swear you could hear a pin drop. That's how intense the silence was. "I'll try and go back again" he said quietly making me think he wasn't so sure about his decision; I didn't want him to think he was being forced to go back there. "Oliver, you don't sound sure, so why don't we go check out Willowford it's a private school only a few blocks from here, then you can make a final decision. Nick put on his shoes and coat saying "its settled then let's go check it out" I rolled my eyes "Nick I know your excited, but he hasn't even answered yet" I let out a soft laughed why was my soon to be husband so ridiculous he has this weird obsession of going to look at school campuses and yes, this high school was so fancy it had its own campus. Oliver joined in with me laughing and said "I want to go" Nick basically skipped to the car he was so excited I just really hope he wasn't going to buy any school merch, who am I kidding of course he was going too, the only thing I could do was hope and pray the school didn't sell any. 

We walked onto the campus after a short five-minute drive, there were beautiful trees, flowers and shrubs integrating their beautiful colors all over the place, it looked so alive. It was the middle of a school day so many students were walking around just doing their thing either that or they were in class. Nick had already walked over to the merchandise stand "NICK" I yelled trying to capture his attention, but it was too late he was already paying and putting on a shirt. "God Hes so embarrassing" I said to Olie nudging him, he laughed and nodded in agreement. Nick walked over to us pointing at his shirt I tried to keep in my laugh but couldn't giving in to his ridiculousness "your so embarrassing you know that" I said  before quickly kissing him he smirked "but you love me none the less" I kissed him on the cheek tenderly "I do" 

We walked around the campus and met some teachers, Oliver seemed to really like it, now it was time to ask him what he thought "so have you made a choice?" me and nick cryingly said at the same time, Oliver took one last look around "Yeah I like it here, I don't want to go back to Truham" perfect the school issue was resolved now I just needed to find a way for him to be able to live with us without needed my Mothers approval, but Nick seemed to know the solution to that problem. 

Authors Note 
Im so sorry if you guys don't like this update, I don't really like it but it's too late to re write it, sorry. Oliver has been the main focus for the last while and he will still be apart of this story as he will be living with Nick and Charlie but soon won't be the main focus anymore, there will defiantly be chapters were hes a big focus but not like rn. I WILL BE TELLING TOU GUYS IN TOMMORROWS CHAPTER WHAT THE HEARTSTOPPER AU FOR THE NEXT BOOK I WANT TO WRITE IS!!!!!

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