Chapter Twenty Nine Tired?

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Charlies' perspective 
I was still leaned up against nicks arm all cuddled up against him, when all of a sudden, I could smell the salty water. Nick parked the jeep in the parking lot right Infront of the beach. I pull my tired head off nicks shoulder and before I could open my eyes all the way Nick pulls off my sunglasses and says, "Looks like somebody is sleepy still' how did he even know I was sleeping, and my eyes were closed under my sunglasses. "No, I'm not tired I was just resting my eyes" I say in sassy tone. He looks at me with his big brown eyes with a grin and says "oh really? Then why were you snoring on my shoulder like 15 minutes ago" I was kind of shocked I was actually snoring it didn't feel like I was at all. I have a love-hate relationship with the sleeping pills I was prescribed by our pharmacist Mark. They help me sleep Wich I desperately need because I was only getting 3 hours of sleep a night tops, which wasn't only bad for my health but also was starting to strain me and Nicks relationship. I like that I'm getting a proper amount of sleep now, but I hate that I feel so tired all the time. Like anytime were in the car I always fall asleep, when we're watching a show or movie I fall asleep, worst of all two weeks ago I was sitting at the table eating breakfast and somehow fell asleep. I know Nick is the most caring person ever but sometimes he gets frustrated, of course I know he would never admit it, but I can tell sometimes Hes frustrated with the fact I'm always tired. I really love spending time with him I do, but sometimes I'm just so tired I need to take a nap instead. Today was going to be a fun day so no more naps.

Nicks perspective
Me and Charlie got out of the jeep and grab our beach bag from the trunk. I grabbed his hand and we walked down to the beach together. I made sure to pack a blow-up ball so we could play water volleyball because last time we went to the beach he only brought a white shirt and was too insecure to go in the water Infront of our friends, so he didn't get to play. I could tell that day he wanted to play super badly but he just couldn't put himself out there like that. Later that evening he mentioned how much he wished he could have played and how he really felt left out, I was going to make sure this time he didn't miss out. Once the sand sunk in between our toes Charlie pulled the blanket out of the bag and placed it on the sand, I then pulled out the beach ball from our bag and said 'Wanna play some water volleyball?" His smile was brighter than the sun, I could tell how happy he was that I remembered what he said that night. He ran down the beach towards the water and said, "race you". By the time he said that he was way ahead of me I yelled out "NO FAIR YOUR WAY FASTER THAN ME" I started running after him, but he was much too fast for me to catch him. ~Time skip~ "how does it feel to lose nine out of ten times" I say as we walk out of the water to take a break. Charlie looks unamused and says, "Sorry I'm not a former rugby lad like you!" He did not just say that! Rugby was a completely different game than beach volleyball plus he played rugby too "Maybe you're forgetting Charles, but you played rugby as well" I say. He responds with "I only played to look at hot guys" omg Charlie thought other guys on our old rugby team were hot? How come I'm just finding out about this now, I'm not jealous or anything just surprised... ok fine maybe a little jealous. Charlie then says "somebody looks a little jealous" I quickly respond "shut up no I'm not" 

I look down at the ground and see a small piece of sea glace sitting on the surface of the sand. It makes me completely forget what we were talking about and immediately reminds me of our first date after we moved in together. Our apartment was within walking distance from a beach, so we have gone on many dates there, but this one time we held hands and walked along the beach collecting sea glace and just talked about life and it's one of my favorite memories "Charlie we should collect some sea glace together" I say. Charlie looks happy and excited about the idea but seems a bit off. I'm not sure what it is though, Hes eaten enough today, nobody has said anything mean to him, Hes drank enough, I don't know. Charlie pulls me by my hand, and we start to walk along the beach collecting sea glace. I was telling him about how good bubble gum ice cream was and why it's way better than his chocolate crunch he always gets, and I noticed he was tuned out from the conversation. I ruffle his hair and say, "Charlie are you listening to me?" I could tell something was off...

Authors note
Thank you guys for coming with me on this journey we have almost reached 30 chapters that's insane I'm so excited to continue writing this story and see where it takes us 🫶🫶🫶❤️❤️

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