Chapter Seventy Seven Long Time no see

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Nicks perspective
I parked a few houses down so I could talk to Charlie a bit before we go in he hasn't visited his family in a long time and the anxiety has been building up for the last few days with his moms constant calls never to just catch up with her son but to get angry with him about every little detail of his life. "Charlie" I say trying to grab his attention, he takes off his helmet and places it on the seat of the bike, "Yeah" I look into his eyes trying to grasp any hints I can get, I don't want to make it sound like I think his parents are awful people that would hurt him. "if your mom doesn't see that your an amazing son and person who has improved so much than we can leave, she doesn't get to put you down anymore" He gives me a weak smile before hugging me and interlocking our fingers. "ok" he says as we're now walking towards the spring households front door, right before he knocked I grabbed his hand and pulled it down saying "hey before we go in let's have a positive attitude think about it we get to see your sweet brothers, Tori and Michael your dad and you know maybe it will be nice to see your mom" I could see his smile grow and he kissed me quick on the lips "Why are you right about everything" I kissed him on the cheek and rang the bell awaiting what was going to happen next.

Charlie's perspective
My heart pounded as we waited for the door to open but to my relief it was Oliver who answered the door he threw his arms around Nick then moving over to me hugging me tight "Happy birthday! I missed you guys I never see you anymore" I try and smile but it comes out as more of a sorry look he then takes a step closer to us "It's mom isn't it" I know my brother was older now he was 13, officially a teen but I didn't now if I should burden him with my dislike for our mother it seemed like a line I shouldn't cross Nick picked up on my hesitation and said "Well look at you all grown up and opening the door for people now, I wasn't allowed to open the door until I was 15 my mom thought I was for sure going to get kidnapped by the mailman or something" Oliver laughed at what he thought was a joke but was actually true I can't blame him I laughed when I heard the story for the first time too. I wrapped my arm around Oliver and said "Just know we both love you so much and that will never change" he shoot me one of his confident school boy jock smiles and leads us to the kitchen where everyone was. My dad came and hugged us both then said "Congratulations you too! and happy birthday to my boy" I smiled at my dad he looked happy but I could tell he was hurt we don't visit much which made me want to sit on the floor and start sobbing my dads always been there for me and I haven't been there for him. "Thanks Dad I really missed you" he smiled like you wouldn't believe then said "Me too" "Nick Nick Nick" A small voice came from behind, then all of a sudden I had Noah wrapped around my leg "Charlie Nicks here" he said excitedly I picked him up and put him on my hip he was getting quite big to do this he was in the third year at school now. I kissed him on the forehead "Yes he is you seem excited" he nodded his head "I have a best friend too his name is Alex" I looked at Nick and he looked at me, Noah then says "But I don't kiss my friends like you guys because mom says that i'm not allowed" I flushed pink I didn't realize that he picked up on the fact we kissed I guess we never hid it from him but when I was living at home we didn't go around kissing very often unless it was in my bedroom. "Well that's because Nick isn't my friend he's my.. my husband so we're allowed to kiss like mom and dad, and Tori and Michael. Nick was drinking a beer that my dad had gave him and started coughing and chocking when I said the word husband i've never called him that before I mean technically we're not but he wouldn't understand what a fiancé is I think the too guys together thing is already confusing enough. Nick then looked at him and said "Yeah Charlie's my husband so kissing is normal but don't go around trying to kiss your friends your too little" my heart was warm and fuzzy hearing him say husband it felt amazing and our relationship really felt concrete. I put Noah down and ruffled his familiar black curly hair Nick turned to me and whispered "So i'm your husband now" I smirked and put my arm on his shoulder "Maybe" he grinned and kissed me on the forehead before my mom came and said "Weren't you boys going to come say hello to your mother, mother in law" I look down at my feet already feeling intimidated by her "we were, but Noah was talking about how me and Nick are best friends but we like to kiss, so we just explained to him that we're not friends but together like you and dad and that's the reason we kiss" She looked uncomfortable which made me ten times more uncomfortable than whatever she was feeling she then said "Well if you guys could just not kiss near him that would be great because I don't want him thinking it's ok NOT because i'm like unsupportive you guys know I love you two! but being gay comes with a lot of problems like bullying and then you know all the side affects from bullying and that's a lot to deal with and I don't want to go through that again" My heart sank and felt like screaming in her face but I felt nicks hand grab mine and give it a squeeze which instantly gave me comfort I looked up at her and said "Well that tell me how you feel" she rolled her eyes "hey you know that's not what I ment" I scoffed "Whatever" and lead Nick by the hand away from the kitchen were she was seated up to my room.

Authors Note
The birthday dinner has just begun and it's just getting started emotions will be high see y'all tomorrow and remember no mater what I love each and everyone of you 😘😭❤️💗 THANKS FOR READING VOTING OR COMMENTING IT MEANS EVERYTHING TO ME ❤️❤️❤️

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