Chapter Thrifty Five Fashback-3

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Nicks mom let go of me so I was open for a Nick Nelson hug. He grabbed me so tight as he always did, he was the most compassionate person I've ever met. "Charlie what happened" he's said frantically. Nicks mom then said "I'll leave you two boys to it, so Charlie can tell you what happened, he probably doesn't want an audience" Nick then replies "No it's ok I'll take him up to my room you can stay here" She smiles at the both of us as we walk upstairs together, Nick still holding me as best he could without us tripping. First thing Nick does when we enter his room is search through his wardrobe for some clothes for me because I was still soaking wet from the rain. He hands me a lavender hoodie and a pair of Nike joggers, I get changed in the middle of the room because it's not like Nick hadn't seen me naked before. I sit on his bed beside him and lay my head on his shoulder trying to fight back tears from flooding down my face again. "Char what happened is it your mom again" I nod my head in agreement to his statement. "I'm not trying to pry Charlie but I can't help you talk through it if you don't tell me, and I know you'll feel better if you talk it out with me" I knew that was true and I was going to tell him eventually but I just wanted some comfort right now. it's probably better to just get it over with now so I say. "I'm always causing problems for everyone" Nick immediately say "That's not true Charlie so please stop saying that! your never causing problems for me, we face the problems together as a team" I loved it when he called us a team I felt stronger  knowing I have his support. He then says "What's making you feel this way, what happened tonight" I then go on to tell him the story "My mom said that I couldn't come to your house if I didn't eat all my dinner so I sat down with my family and of course she had to be an absolute control freak and say that I need to eat all the lasagna she put on my plate before going to your house,  when she put a huge piece on my plate EVEN BIGGER THAN THE PIECE MY DAD WAS EATING for fuck sakes! It's like she knew I wasn't going to be able to eat all that and did it anyways" Nick was just sitting there with an empathetic yet interested face well I was talking, that signified to me that I wasn't rambling onto much and he was paying attention to what I was saying like he always does. "I started crying after eating half the big piece because my mom said that I hadn't eaten enough and I needed to eat it all and I then these thoughts come into my head like: Nick isn't going to love you anymore if you eat more and I was going to look absolutely disgusting if I ate anymore so I couldn't finish it.  Nick then rubs my thigh with his general touch and squeezes my hand as I continue "My dad saw me struggling so he said I didn't need to eat anymore and said he was proud of me, which made me feel a bit better until my mom starts arguing with him about me saying i'm too dramatic and I cry to get out of things which isn't true" My lips start quivering and I try to get the words out but I can't "Charlie your not too dramatic your just expressing your feelings and you should! I agree with your dad i'm so proud of you I can't believe you ate that much that's amazing and your moms just a knob for not seeing how amazing your doing"  I struggle to believe the kind words Nick say and Nick sees that " Charlie I can tell you don't believe me but when have I ever lied to you" I thought about it for a second and I couldn't recall a time he's ever lied to me "Yeah your right" I say quietly before lying down on the floor. I felt his body snuggle up to mine and I felt safe for the first time that night. I fell asleep on top of Nick who was still on the floor, I got woken up to Nick shifting his body to grab my phone that was laying near us on the carpet. I grumble half asleep " who keeps texting and what do they want" He shifts a bit more to reach the phone and reads out the messages
-Charlie i'm still not happy with you, you should have eaten all your dinner!!! 😡

-How long are you staying at Nicks 🫤


I jump up and off Nick and he hands me the phone. I quickly try and type a response because I know my mom hates when I don't text her back right away. "Char, do you maybe want to stay over tonight I think you definitely need some support tonight" I look at him in amazement like that was even a question of course I wanted to sleep over the problem is my mom she already angry with me. I respond "God I wish but my mom is already mad she probably will say no, I could definitely use some extra make out time" He turns to me and says " well maybe we can I have an idea" I don't have much faith in his idea whatever it is because my mom barely lets us have sleepovers as it is let alone when she mad, but we can at least try "What's your idea..."

Authors Note
You guys seem to be enjoying these flashback chapters i'm so happy 😁🥰🥳 I can't wait to get into more detail about the day Charlie gives Nick the ring!!!!

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