Chapter Seventy Four Gifts

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Nicks perspective
I was giddy and could barely sit still, I love giving gifts I'm not sure the rooting of it but that's always been my favourite part of peoples birthdays watching them open up the gifts that I got them. I thought about what to get Charlie months in advance, I don't like gifts that aren't meaning full or string a memory along with them if that makes any sense. Its a big pet peeve of mine when people give out gift cards or useless junk that's not been thought into for more than five minutes. There was this time it's actually a really embarrassing story when my dad had sent me a gift he never sent gifts so when my mom gave it to me and told me it was from dad I freaked out I was so excited and actually cried tears of joy when my mom gave it to me because he had never sent me a gift before, then when I opened it it was a fucking snow globe with a weird horse inside, when I opened it my brother laughed as I started hysterically crying I was so upset, david took a video on his ipod and still has the video to this day he saved it somehow and loves to show our family it over and over again. I used to do this thing when I got really upset I would bunch my knees up to my chest and rock back and forth to I guess soothe myself blocking out everyone and anything, I started it when my parents started fighting to drown it out. I was so upset about the gift because it opened my eyes to how little my dad knew me he didn't know how I was doing in school, my favourite colour, my favourite animal, my favourite food if I had any neighbourhood friends. He didn't even know what to get me for my birthday it broke my heart, I picked up the globe and smashed it on the floor then went running up to my room and slammed the door not coming out for two days not even for food I had a washroom in my room so I had water from the tap but I just sat on my carpet and cried rocking myself to try and calm down. "Nick?" Charlie questioned well waving his hand in-front of my face, I shook my head and focused back on him "Sorry I just got lost in my thoughts a little" I said smiling as I felt the memory slipping my mind. I handed him the gifts and he grabbed the card opening it, his eyes darted across the page reading it with care

the card said :

Happy birthday my love, I now get to wake up everyday with you for the rest of my life and oh how happy that makes me, your like a bundled up ray of sunshine you brighten my life so much. when we first started dating we weren't like the rest, we kind a were like an old married couple we liked to just be with each other we didn't need to drink or party every weekend we just needed each other, I know our parents had their doubts about us staying together because what we have is so rare and significant that not many people experience it, we beat the odds because we did it as a team and we'll always be a team helping each other through whatever, we were each others first love and to be honest i'm crying well writing this just thinking about how special and important you really are to me and how i could never even imagine being with someone else your my one and only and always have been I love you so much Charlie Spring and I always will we're soulmates we're Nick and Charlie xxx

Charlie's eyes started to water as he was reading the card he loves cards they mean more to him than any gift, I wipe the tears from his cheeks "I love you" I say looking into his eyes he didn't need to say it back I knew he did I could see the way he was looking at me. "I really really love this I love you" he said trying to breath with out hesitation. I smile in return and handed him the next gift I was probably most excited for this one.

Charlie's perspective
Nick wiped my face again then handed me the gift he got me I took the neatly wrapped square and tore it open revealing the best gift ever, it was a picture frame small with a little stand with a picture of us in it, it was the day he proposed when we went to the amusement park with Tori and Michael, we were by the little castle they had in the centre of the park we were in front of it kissing I was stood on my tippy toes and nick was holding the back of my neck so gently and it portrayed that perfectly in the picture looking so fairytale ish, Tori was a photographer now and had brought her camera to take some pictures and omg were the pictures ever amazing, the picture wasn't the best part though the best part was that he had decorated the frame just like he did the first birthday we spent together when we went bowling with Tao Aled and Elle. "Nick this is perfect it's like the first ever birthday gift you gave me I love it" I kissed him on the cheek then he said "Ok so the next gift I need to explain a little" What type of gift did you need to explain I just agreed and listened to what he had to say he handed me a brochure of paris, wait did he want to go on a trip to paris! "So I was thinking we should go to paris again? it's a really short flight from here and-" I cut him off throwing my arms around him "omg yes, yes that would be amazing your the best Nick" I hugged him so enthusiastically I almost knocked him off the couch, he's the best gift giver he's so sweet and thoughtful everything he gives is so meaningful. I hugged him tight trying to block out the ticking time bomb that was going to go off soon, going to my mothers house for dinner.

Authors Notes
Nicks such a sweet heart I can image little him being so devastated about his dad 😭😩 THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO VOTES COMMENTS AND READS MY CHAPTERS YOUR EVERYTHING 💕❤️💗

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