Part 52

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This year Mahle and I were completing 2 years together and i couldnt be happier. We fought every now and then but nothing was ever too big for us, we overcame all obstacles together and grew stronger with every argument and disagreements. She was coming back next week Monday i couldnt wait to see her and to tell her the best news ever. It was a Friday and i had just left my sisters office, and headed to my job. When i got to the office I called my woman and she answered same time.

//Me: come back already

Her: hahaha hello to you too Mr Bess

Me: Hi. I miss you

Her: I miss you too bhabha

Me: i dont buy that

Her: I wasnt selling it

Me: PE is making you silly

Her: hahahaha i got this from you

Me: not to use it on me now

Her: i didnt get the memo

Me: apologise

Her: i'm sorry my nana

Me: mmmh

Her: Mr Bess i am really sorry

Me: fine whatever

Her: what are you doing?

Me: are we really doing this?

Her: what?

Me: that old mxit thingy where when you run out of things to say you ask the normal boring stuff

Her: hahahaha geez why put it like that. I was only asking since you suppose to be working, Lunch time is over

Me: and how do you know that

Her: i just know

Me: are you stalking me?

Her: what if i am?

Me: thats sexy. I've always wanted to have a stalker

Her: hahahaha you wish. I would never stalk you

Me: ouch! why's that?

Her: I know you all too well, i know you so well that i know your every move

Me: ok if so, what am i doing now?

Her: you standing by your office window with your phone on your ear looking out at the beautiful city of KZN

Me: liar

Her: hahaha you know i'm right. Like now i can tell you smiling and thinking how i know all of this as you bite your lower lip and chuckle in disbelief but not in a bad way but in that good way

Me: you must have planted a camera in my office, i dont trust you

Her: hahaha or maybe i just know you

Me: i still say theres a hidden cam around here

Her: and when would i have installed it?

Me: you and the gay receptionist are besties, you probably sent him to install it

Her: you being paranoid Mr Hot Shot

Me: am I?

Her: by the way, that gay receptionist has a crush on you

Me: what? No

Her: I dont blame him. You're a hottie

Me: argh whatever. I should get back to work Miss Ngesi

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