Part 49

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I told her about my business with Jade and she let it go after i apologised countless times and i must say this thing with her and Sandiso didnt sit well with me but i had no choice. They were cousins at the end of the day and hearing that she and him spent the night in the same bed the night before she came backdidnt sit well with me, it caused a huge fight between us that we didnt speak for a whole week til i finally begged myself to talk to her because i missed her so much. she tried calling but i needed some time away from her to figure everything out thats happened lately. Jade and her boyfriend broke up after i showed him the tape and he and I were actually friends now and Jade ended up with nothing and no-one in her life.

It was August on my birthday and the plan was to spend the day with my girlfriend but then again theres my mother who always makes plans for you like it or not and for me to share a birthday with my little niece made it even harde for me to skip the whole family lunch thingy and lucky me my birthday was conviniently on a Sunday. We had both just woken up and were laying together in bed talking

Me: i'm not doing this whole lunch thing without you

Her: you dont have a choice

Me: actually I do

Her: you do?

Me: yeah. you coming with me to Lunch

Her: woah tiger. not so fast

Me: well i'm not going then

Her: Damon you have to go

she said sitting up to face me

Me: we spent your birthday together

Her: yeah only because i dont share it with my niece and my family and i dont have a tradition of celebrating each other's birthday

Me: i dont care. if you care about my niece you'll go

Her: thats so not fair. you cant use her to get me to come with you Damon. thats not how it works

Me: yeah well i can and I just did

Her: I dont have anything to wear

Me: you have tons of dresses you could wear

Her: none to impress Mrs Bess

Me: really? Thats what this is about? impressing my mom

Her: what do you think?

Me: you women. It doesnt matter what you wear she'll love you anyway

Her and if she doesnt? What if she thinks i'm too young for you? What if she thinks i'm not good enough for her son?

Me: why do you care? you with me not her

Her: yeah well she gave birth to you so i have to impress her

just then my phone rang

Me: speak of the devil

Her: answer it

I took her call, it was still around 7am

//Her: Happy Birthday my baby

Me: not a baby anymore Mrs B

Her: to me you always will be. how old are you again?

Me: 23

Her: still a baby. So are you coming today?

Me: do I have a choice?

Her: just making sure. and you bringing your girlfriend right?

Me: thats up to her

Amahle's Diary 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon