Part 44

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My grandmother recovered very well and luckily it was not that serious. Yes she had an appendix but thats not what was making her sick, what made her sick was flu and summer flu is the worst but she was fine now. Doctors check for everything even those you would have not thought of, Gran never mentioned having pains in the abdomen but turns out she did but she just never told us. For a doctor she sure hated Hospitals offwhich i dont even know why. She and I were sitting in her room, she had recovered and her new helper Asekho was starting work tomorrow morning which was Monday.

Me: why do you hate hospitals so much gran?

Her: what makes you think that Hlehle?

Me: because Hlehle you never mentioned anything about having appendix pains

Her: I dont like looking all weak and vulnerable Hlehle

Me: Hlehle you old, you allowed to

Her: not me. I was once a Doctor, I know how to deal with all these things without going there

Me: seee what i mean? You hate hospitals

Her: and you picked all that up from?

Me: you called the hospital "There"

Her: oh, i didnt notice

Me: so why do you hate it?

Her: Having been a doctor for so many years, i've seen too many people die in that place and I dont want to be part of the list

Me: but granny you wont be

Her: Nosihle didnt think she would be part of the list but

Me: There was nothing you could have done to save her Gran. That woman did a number on her

Her: still i feel like i didnt try hard enough Hlehle

Me: Whats done is done Gran and grandma Nosi is at a better place

Her: yeah i guess

Me: lets go out

Her: excuse me?

Me: you heard me. Lets dress up and go to Ohbrigado

Her: your mom has me under house arrest

Me: yeah she said to look after you and I will be looking after you

Her: you're a bad influence

Me: hahaha i am your granddaughter after all

Her: wheres Nathi?

Me: I think she's in her room, let me go check

Her: you mom had better not catch us

Me: relax, I got dad taking care of her

Her: how?

Me: well Dad needs help with planning the funeral and who better than mom?

Her: and what about Daniel?

Me: He suggested that she goes and help my father out

Her: its sad that his parents left so terribly

Me: yeah it is

Her: how are your siblings taking it?

Me: Not good. Nathi has it really bad, shes barely eating or talking to anyone

Her: well she was closest to them than me. She needs this night out more than me. Go with her instead

Me: we not leaving you to be depressed in this house all alone, now dress up while i go check on my sister woman.

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