Part 28

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Being home was fun and all but it was time to go back to Durban and back to school. Jen and Jo broke up during the holidays, turns out Jo has a 2-year-old kid and Jen was not ready to play step mommy but in Jo's defence he didn't know about the baby up until last week but Jen being her she just didn't want to hear jack from him. Dae and I were great things between us were never better though he and I haven't had sex but we were happy. I'm not those 90-day rule kind of girls because I believe that the cookie doesn't make him stay, just because you give it up on date number 1 it doesn't mean you a hoe, it means you know what you want in life. Not that giving it up after 90 days makes you a saint, nope it doesn't it just means you waiting for the him to prove his worth but remember this, guys wait because they want to and not because they have to. Any guy can get cake whenever or wherever, 90 days won't make him stay if he doesn't want to stay and giving it on the first day also won't make him stay it's a matter of him wanting to be with you and him loving you regardless. At the end of the day sex is not a must, it's a choice. You choose whether or not you want to do it. It was Friday 11th after school and Jen and I had just come out of a Lecture and were on our way home, Sha was absent because she just didn't feel like attending and we let her be. We got to Glenwood and decided on going out to the beach, Durban weather is just something else. It's perfect. It was going to be Me, Sage and Jen. Aya was still in school. I was wearing a pink loose shirt with a bikini underneath and some flip flops, Jen was wearing jean shorts, loose vest, bikini underneath and flip flops and Sage was wearing a cute white summer dress and a black bikini underneath with flip flops. We looked pretty, we went to catch a taxi to Ushaka Marine World and we paid the entrance fee and played water games and just had loads of fun with taking pictures and all that when we were done we went to eat at Spur. Aya and Siya joined us at Spur and we got drunk including I. It was really bad I called Damon and he came to fetch me, the girls were going to take a cab home. On the way to La Lucia Damon was quiet and pissed at me... I think because he just let me speak alone, I felt like puking so Damon stopped on the side and held my hair back as I did my thing, he handed me a handkerchief to wipe myself and then we got back in the car and headed to his flat in silence. He unlocked and we got in and I headed straight to the toilet, I vowed never to drink like that again. when I was done I washed my face and went to his room, he was sitting on the bed typing on his laptop.

Me: Babe

He just looked at me and back at his screen

Me: Damon I'm sorry

He didn't look at me at all, he just kept typing. I decided to let him be mad at me, he'll talk when he's ready. I took off my clothes and got in bed with my underwear only, I was going to take his t-shirt and wear it but I didn't want to be forward so I got under the covers. I heard him get up and open the cupboard door and then walk back to the bed.

Him: Amahle here you go

I uncovered myself and he was holding his t-shirt for me to take

Me: thanks

He kept quit and went back to his typing. I knew I was screwed and I also knew he was ignoring me on purpose because he knows how much I hate him not talking to me. I slept almost instantly because I was in no mood to beg him and I was too drunk for begging, there's something about being drunk that makes you sleep like you've just had the best sex ever.




I was at home typing a divorce contract when Amahle called me mumbling words I couldn't hear properly, she sounded drunk so I called Siya and shockingly she was less drunk than Amahle, she told me they were at Ushaka Spur and so I went to fetch her. I won't lie I was pissed, why did she drink like that? last time she and I spoke today she was all good as in she did not sound stressed at all. She even passed her tests so I didn't understand her getting drunk. I wanted to ask her but I decided not to, figured giving her the silent treatment will be the best punishment ever because she hates it. She took her clothes and lord knows I wanted to pin her against the wall and sex her like never before but I had to act mad, this girl was just tempting me but I was not going to be drawn to temptation like that so I figured let me get her one of my t-shirt so that she is covered and I am not tempted to touch. Mahle and I haven't had sex yet even though she visited my flat and stayed for weekends but we didn't do it, I respected her and I figured that when she's ready she'll make her move. I took my clothes off and got under the covers in my briefs. I'm more of a briefs guy than a boxer's guy, not that I don't wear boxers at all, I do I'm just not a fan much. We slept facing opposite directions which was a first because we normally cuddle. I was woken up by my phone ringing and I took it, it was Siya.

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