Part 16

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We got into Aya's room. She offered me to sit on the couch with her.

Her: you wanted to talk?

Me: What happened to Amahle as a child?

Her: what do you mean?

Me: you know what I mean Aya

Her: why are you interested?

Me: Because I care about her

Her: sure you do

She said folding her arms

Me: I know you don't trust me but please Aya I just want to help

Her: what could you possibly do?

Me: I could get justice for her

Her: and who says she hasn't gotten justice?

Me: has she?

She looked down.

Me: I take it she hasn't. Aya please

Her: when Mahle was 5 back in PE Humewood her parents decided it was time to get a nanny because her mom could no longer stay at home as she had gotten a good job. The woman they hired started pleasuring herself with Mahle

Me: pleasuring? what do you pleasuring herself?

Her: She started off with making Mahle touch her on her vagina every now and then. As Mahle grew Amanda started touching Mahle in her vjay....

Me: stop. Just stop. What about her parents? didn't they notice anything?

Her: I wouldn't say they didn't but Mahle hid it all too well. My friend's always had a good poker face as a kid

Me: you her friend. How did you not see anything or notice?

Her: don't you think I tried getting her to talk but she always brushed it off. I only found out when they left PE

Me: ok go on

Her: This one day her mom noticed something wasn't right with her daughter so she asked Mahle and as she was about to tell her mom Mahle saw Amanda walk by their room and she didn't say jack. So Bomi figured whatever was wrong with Mahle had something to do with her Nanny, the following day she had nanny cams installed and a week later she saw the nanny and also saw her husband cheat on her.

I could see it hurt Aya talking about this. She had teary eyes but she composed herself well.

Me: where is this woman now?

Her: why? it's not like there's anything you could possibly do

Me: you underestimate me Aya

Her: she's locked up in a mental institution

Me: that's all?

Her: yes

Me: she deserves to pay for this

Her: argh what good will that do? Amahle managed to stop her brother from doing anything

Me: what?

Her: Mahle has found her closure. Last year she went to visit Amanda at the institution and they spoke and she's forgiven her

Me: what? why? after what she's done

Her: well my friend has an amazing heart and people take advantage of that. I guess all she wanted was for Amanda to apologise so she can move on from what she did to her

Me: but still Aya

Her: let it go Damon. She'll never allow you to do anything. Anyway how do you know something happened to her as a child?

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