Part 32

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Mom and I spoke and hugged and I headed over to Ama's place. I needed to be in her arms right now, I called her but she wasn't answering her phone so I figured she was sleeping. I wanted to wake her up but I couldn't, she was probably tired from whatever she and her friends were doing today.

The week went by swiftly with me taking my girl to school whenever I could or fetching her. She had already started writing her exams last week and they were going good or so she says hence I only saw her on weekends because she needed the break. At work I avoided my father as much as I could and luckily he only came in once in a while. It was the 6th of June around 11 and Mom rocked up in my office unexpectedly.

Her: Hello my baby

Me: hey Mom. How are you?

I said getting up to hug her

Her: I'm good.

Me: so what brings you here?

Her: you not answering my calls

Me: I've been busy

Her: funny cause you have the time to answer Amber's calls

Me: cause she's persistent and annoying and doesn't know when to stop

Her: I haven't been stopping but you still not taking my calls

Me: well you here now, aren't you?

Her: We need to talk

Me: about?

Her: you and your father

Me: oh

Her: yes. You two need to sort your issues out and fast

Me: I hope you've told him that

Her: he's hard headed just like you

Me: I'm nothing like him

Her: you are just every bit like him. You may think he loves Damien more but you and I both know that he loves you more and he would do just about anything and everything for you. When you were born he was the happiest he had ever been, he was happy when Amber was born but when you were born he was on another level of happy. You see on the day that you were born he was in a meeting in Cape Town sorting up some business but the minute he got the call he got up out of that meeting and took the next flight to here because he didn't want to miss the birth of his first son. He was so excited that apparently he even got lost in the hospital looking for my delivery room and when he held you in his arms he cried

Me: as if that man has tears

Her: the first time I ever saw him cry was when I walked down the aisle and the second time was when you were born. He went back to work the following year January and you can imagine the pile of work he had to get back to, he had lost some big business too but you know your father, he bounced back.

Me: mom where are you going with this?

Her: Let me finish. Do you know that you've worked with your father since you were 5, he would take you to work with him on weekends such that one day you came back saying you wanted to be just like your dad? You are his pride and joy

Me: that's a lie. Not once has he ever said he was proud of me

Her: because he said it a lot when you were a little kid. Your father brags about you more than he brags about any of your siblings. I'm not trying to convince you to think otherwise but I hope you know how much he loves you. I hope that one day you get to see just how much he loves you and speaks highly of you

Me: oh

Her: and the reason he pushes you above your limit is because you haven't reached where you want to be and where he would like for you to be

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