Part 10

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We wrapped up our day around noon, and as we headed out, Damon was already waiting for us in his car. Slipping into the passenger seat, I introduced my friend Siyanda, known as Siya to everyone.

"Took you long enough. Who's the fine miss?" Damon teased, his eyes lingering on Siya.

"I'm Siyanda, but everyone calls me Siya," she replied, blushing under his gaze.

"And she's single too," Jen chimed in mischievously.

"Geez, Jen," Siya muttered, embarrassed by the attention.

"Nice to know. You guys are done, right?" Damon asked, turning his attention back to me.

"Yes," I confirmed, hoping to redirect the conversation away from Siya.

"So, what is Siya going to be studying?" Damon inquired, genuinely interested.

"Law," Siya replied, her voice tinged with excitement.

"Great choice. I like this one already," Damon remarked, flashing Siya a charming smile.

Why was he so fixated on my friend?

"What, you also a law student?" Siya asked, trying to keep the conversation light.

"Was, babygirl. I finished last year. This year, I'm a candidate attorney," Damon explained, his tone proud.

"Wow, so I can come to you whenever I need help?" Siya inquired eagerly.

"Pretty much, yeah. But I'll also be tutoring here, so you're in safe hands," Damon assured her with a wink.

"I feel safe already," Siya admitted, blushing at his compliment.

"Jen, where did you get this one from?" Damon joked, gesturing towards Siya.

"Ask Mahle," Jen replied cryptically, glancing at me.

"We go way back. Been friends since I was 8 and she was 9," I explained, feeling a surge of warmth towards Siya.

"Wow, some people know how to keep friends. Siya, how are you friends with her? You're so chilled, and she's so..." Damon trailed off, searching for the right word.

"Uptight?" Siya offered, defending me without hesitation.

"Exactly," Damon agreed, causing me to bristle with annoyance.

"She's a great person when you get to know her. She's the sweetest thing ever," Siya insisted, earning a genuine smile from me.

"She's rude," Damon countered, his tone teasing.

"You must have been an ass because she is never rude to anyone," Siya defended me, her loyalty touching.

"He's a rich jerk who throws his money around and goes around calling me typical and stubborn," I interjected, unable to hold back my frustration.

"That's how you two know each other. So, you're the chick he bumped into," Jen remarked, connecting the dots.

"The stubborn rude girl," Damon teased, earning an eye roll from me.

"Oh, shut up," I muttered, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks.

"Let me drive you guys to your place; I need a nap and some food," Damon suggested, attempting to change the subject.

"Come have lunch at Mahle's place," Siya offered, trying to include him.

"So she can spike my food and kill me? No thanks," Damon joked, his grin widening.

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