Part 51

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The squad and I were going to spend New Years eve and New Year in Durban Cape Town. We booked rooms to accomodate us. It was Siya, Alex, Kay, Me, Sbu, Ashley, Sisa, Sandiso, Sinazo and her boyfriend, Atha and Siya's little sister. Alu was going to join us on the 3rd with Amahle and their sister. Turns out Nathi, Ama and Alu inherited their grandparents beach house here in Cape Town. The house was hella huge, it was like we were in the hemptons. We werent staying there, we cant stay without the owners of the house. It was the 1st of January 2016 and we went to Long street to get sloshed. We were club hopping checking out clubs with the best vibes, ofcause we left the kids home with a Kay who wasnt feeling well to go out and a Sisa who said she would stay and take care of Kay. We were at this club just drinking and dancing.

I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned and it was Damon Bess. We hugged for the longest then broke it

Me: what are you doing here?

Him: what are You doing here?

Me: getting sloshed. You?

Him: same as you

Me: and does Mahle know you here?

Him: yeah she does

Me: better stay away from these Cape Town thirsty girls

Him: and you better stay away from these Cape Town boys then

Me: hahaha i'm done with men and boys in general

We went to sit down by the bar

Him: why's that?

Me: i want love now. I want what you and Mahle have

Him: well then best of luck missy

Me: thanks. So who are you here with?

Him: Amanda, Sage, Sean, Andrew, Jen, Megan and Luya

Me: Sage is here?

Him: yeah, come let me take you to her

We got up and he took me to their table, i greeted everyone and Sage got up to hug me while screaming in excitement.

Her: what are you doing here?

Me: having fun duh. You know me

Her: not with man i hope

Me: i told you i was done with men this year

Her: you better be. Who are you here with?

Me: Siya, Sbu, Sandz and the rest of my friends from highschool

Her: that Sbu thou

Me: he has a girlfriend

Her: is she here?

Me: sadly yes buddy

Her: he'll come to Durban some day

Me: who are you and what have you done to my goody two shoes friend?

Her: your resolution was to quit men and mine was to start men. I'm on a man diet

Me: the fuck's that? :v :v :v :v

Her: the diet you were on last year

Me: Argh lets go and let me introduce you

Her: lead the way.

Jen and I arent that fond of each other, she's just too much for me and I dont trust how close she is with my friends boyfriend and she knows it so hence we not that big on each other.

Her: you and Jen are still at it huh?

Me: i dont trust her thats all

Her: dont be mean

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