Part 13

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I heard a knock on the door but I decided to not answer

Person: its Sbu please open

I went to open for him

Him: Morning Madam

Me: morning

Him: Happy Valentine's day

Me: you too. I'm guessing you need your room

Him: its fine you can stay, I just need an outfit and my toiletries

Me: ok thanks

Him: He's really sorry you know

Me: He f*cked Entle in his right mind. How do I forgive and forget that?

Him: at least hear him out please

Me: he doesn't deserve that

Him: I know he doesn't but please just do

Me: I'll see

Him: that's all I ask. Let me go shower before I'm late

Me: ok. Thanks for letting me crash here

Him: Siya would kill me if I didn't

We both laughed at that

Me: And she really would ey

With that he chose an outfit and took his toiletries then walked out.




Last night shouldn't have happened at all! The look on Amahle's face was just something else. I knew I should have stayed away from Sandiso but it was too damn hard. If you've ever been addicted to something you'll know exactly what I mean, you know how when you know something is bad for you and every hair in your body is telling you not to but there's that one voice begging you to and the way the voice is begging it's kinda hard to ignore it really because the cry is too painful to bare and you just want to satisfy it so it can shut up? well to me Sandiso was that drug, he was bad for me yet so damn good. I don't know, I can't bring myself to say no to him. I can't bring myself to stay away from no matter who says what it was just impossible to. I went back to my flat last night. As much as I didn't want to go to work, I didn't have a choice but to go. I wore a black high waist pant, white ruffled shirt, red blazer and nude heels. I took a taxi to Sandton Square Vogue, it was empty I looked at my watch and it was around 7:20 and the place opened at 8 so I decided to chill and Wi-Fi away. I texted Sbu.

*/Me: hi

Him: what do you want?

Me: ouch that's cold

Him: you have f*cked up big time Entle.

Me: I know ok

Him: why?

Me: Sbu I really tried to resist him but I think I'm in love with him

Him: and he is in love with Amahle

Me: I know that but why can't he stay away from me?

Him: because of sex. Duh!

I won't lie that hurt

Me: sex he can get anywhere

Him: true except nigga is playing it safe

Me: what?

Him: Sandiso doesn't love you Entle. He probably never will I'm sorry sweetie.

Me: you lying

Him: If he did love you like you think he does, don't you think he would be in your bed and not at home begging Mahle to stay with him huh? Don't you think he would have ended things with Mahle the minute he thought he's in love with you? Sweetheart wake up and see that Sandiso doesn't want you. He only wants your sex and nothing more. He doesn't even see a future with you and I would know because I know him like the back of my hand. look. Just do yourself a favour and stay away from him and Mahle/*

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