Part 43

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3 Weeks later

I'm suppose to be in Durban but things of life arent allowing me. My granny is sick and she's been sick for about a week now and she refuses to see the Doctor, mom and i have begged her countless times to but nope she just doesnt want to. She's been vomiting and her temperature is high its just unusual. Its sometime around 8pm and we sitting in the lounge just chatting when gran tries to get up but instead she collapses onto the floor, luckily Danny is here and so he picked her up and we rushed her to Beacon Bay Life hospital and they attended to her immediately. About 40-45 minutes later her doctor came back to us.

Doc: Hi i'm Dr Marie Paul and I am the one attending to Dr Ndalo

Mom: How is she?

Her: She is sleeping but she will be fine.

Me: Whats wrong with her?

Her: we are still running some tests

Mom: Can we see her?

Her: I will have a nurse call you when she is awake okay?

We nodded.

Her: Dr Ndalo is a strong woman, i'm sure whatever it is she will overcome it

Me: thank you doc

Her: please excuse me while i check on the other patients.

Dad: can i get you guys anything?

Mom: no thanks i'm good

Him: you havent eaten all day Sino

Mom: i'm fine. I'm just not hungry

Me: you have to eat mom and besides you know granny would want you to eat something

I dont know whats wrong with mom but she hasnt been eating or so dad says and i've tried getting her to tell me whats bothering her but to no luck and she doesnt tell dad either. She's been like this since yesterday

Her: fine just get me fruit

Him: and?

Her: nothing

Me: dont worry dad i'll take care of it.

He gave me R200 and i went to get mom something to eat. While on my way i tried calling Aya but nothing, i tried 3 more times but still nothing-that's strange- I gave up and just got my mom something lite at MacD and headed back to the hospital. They were still sitting where i had left them and mom had her head resting on dad's shoulder.

Her: I dont know how to tell the kids

Him: the kids are old enough to handle it honey

Me: handle what?

Her: oh hey. Nothing

Me: mom what are you not telling us? What is it that you think we can't handle?

Her: When was the last time you spoke to your father?

Me: last week why?

Her: you'll need to sit down for this

Me: mom what is it?

Him: Mahle please sit down

Me: did something happen to dad?

Her: no your father is fine

Me: ok then?

Her: Yesterday morning your father called me

Me: ok?

Her: your grandparents... They uhhm... They were shot and they didnt make it

Me: shot?

Her: yes baby. There was a bank robbery wednesday and they just happened to be there

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