Part 38

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After the mini chat with Jade's boyfriend I headed to my place to pack up for my trip. My flight was leaving at 15:00pm, meaning I had enough time to grab a drink with my best bud. I called Sean to meet up at Wonder Lounge and I got there and waited for 5min til he showed up.

Him: My man

Me: hey Married one

Him: please don't remind

He and Amanda got married in court just after spring and were planning on making a big wedding in June holidays, I also don't know why a winter wedding.

Me: what? isn't it fun?

Him: it's actually great ey. Well sometimes

Me: what do you mean sometimes?

A waiter came and took our orders and left

Him: I mean that now that she is 5 months pregnant I love to hate her

Amanda was pregnant and was due to give birth this year in April.

Me: that's what you get for scoring asshole

Him: do you think I asked for this?

Me: well you had unprotected sex

Him: with my wife whom I love oh so dearly. Besides I can't wait for my little ones to be born

Me: little ones?

Our food came

Him: she's pregnant with twins

Me: that would explain the fatness

Him: she would murder you to hear you say that

Me: shame mahn you'll be fine eventually

Him: she's a sex addict bro

Me: aint nothing wrong with sex everyday

Him: Yeah I love that she loves sex but not all the time dude. I come back from work tired AF most days

Me: just 4 more months' bro

Him: tooo damn far if you ask me

Me: oh well what's done is done

Him: eventually you going to get that girl of yours preggies and you'll be in my shoes

I laughed at him

Me: not anytime soon dude. I know how to slip a condom on unlike your dumb ass

Him: I know how to put it on dumbass I just don't like to when it comes to my wife

Me: hahaha yeah well Ama doesn't take any chances

Him: that's what you get for dating a freshman

Me: I love that freshman asshole and in case you didn't notice, so does your wife

Him: yeah well she's a great girl and she keeps you in check

Me: somebody's getting soft on me

Him: marriage does that to one

Me: Ncoooooh look at you growing up, I think you rubbing on me

Him: well you going gay on me

Me: F*CK you asshole. So what are expecting?

Him: meaning?

Me: kid's dumbass

Him: We want it to be a surprise

Me: if you have a boy name him after me please

Him: Hell No! I don't want my kid named after such an ass

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